Between Division and Unity. Function and Limit of Religion in Hegel’s Rewri-­ ting of “Texts 60 and 61”.

Author/s Simone Farinella
Publishing Year 2025 Issue 2024/4
Language Italian Pages 16 P. 652-667 File size 234 KB
DOI 10.3280/SF2024-004002
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The Italian translation of Hegel’s Early Writings rejects the philological guidelines of the Frühe Schriften II and reproduces only the final drafts of Texts 60 and 61 (1799/1800). In the Author’s opinion, the philological analysis of these fragments allows us to make a more precise connection with the transition from Frank-­ furt to Jena. The second drafts of Texts 60 and 61 show two topics – not yet developed in the 1798 versions – at the core of the Differenzschrift: the divided Whole (das entzweite Ganze) and the human need (Bedürfnis) of restoring it. This need appears fir-­ stly in religion and becomes philosophical insofar as religion reiterates the division of the Whole (Texts 60 and 61). Due to the inner development of culture (Bildung) descri-­ bed in the Differenzschrift, the same unsolved division determines the need for philo-­ sophy and its task: restoring the harmony of the Whole.

Keywords: Hegel, need, whole, religion, philosophy.

Simone Farinella, Fra scissione e unità. Funzione e limite della religione nella riscrittura hegeliana dei “Testi 60 e 61” in "RIVISTA DI STORIA DELLA FILOSOFIA" 4/2024, pp 652-667, DOI: 10.3280/SF2024-004002