Ruolo del Parlamento, leale collaborazione e ‘inapplicabilità’ della clausola di differenziazione alle Regioni speciali nella sent. Corte cost. n. 192/24

Author/s Giovanni Moschella
Publishing Year 2025 Issue 2024/2
Language Italian Pages 19 P. 165-183 File size 130 KB
DOI 10.3280/CEU2024-002006
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The article examines several issues addressed in Judgment No. 192 of December 3, 2024 of the Italian Constitutional Court concerning the constitutional review of Law No. 86 of 2024 on the implementation of differentiated autonomy governed by Article 116, third paragraph, of the Constitution. Starting with a general premise aimed at framing the main guidelines defined by the Court regarding the interpretation of Article 116, third paragraph of the Constitution, the contribution delves into specific sections of the judgment. These include the role of Parliament in the differentiation process, aspects related to the principle of loyal cooperation, and, finally, the longstanding debate over the extension of differentiated autonomy to the Special Statute Regions.

Giovanni Moschella, Ruolo del Parlamento, leale collaborazione e ‘inapplicabilità’ della clausola di differenziazione alle Regioni speciali nella sent. Corte cost. n. 192/24 in "CITTADINANZA EUROPEA (LA)" 2/2024, pp 165-183, DOI: 10.3280/CEU2024-002006