Author/s Gianni Francesetti
Publishing Year 2025 Issue 2025/1
Language Italian Pages 9 P. 41-49 File size 61 KB
DOI 10.3280/PU2025-001003
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This commentary on Santamato’s article (2025) aims at briefly highlighting some of the premises necessary to understand the atmospheric perspective and its potential relevance for the psychiatric and psychotherapeutic clinical work. This exploration in fact requires abandoning an individualistic epistemology, typical of modernity, by making a movement towards a paradigm that considers the self an emergent phenomenon. This is already present in many phenomenological explorations, but also in Gestalt psychology and psychotherapy and, today, in the sciences of complexity and neurosciences. The self, and thus the person, in this paradigm is a phenomenon emerging from a background in which the poles of subjectivity and objectivity have not yet been defined. Atmospheres, as affective tonalities diffused in the situation, are footprints of this process and inform the clinician of the forces that move in the field that takes shape in the encounter.
Keywords: Field; Atmosphere; Emergence; Phenomenology; Gestalt
Gianni Francesetti, Uno sguardo alle premesse dell’atmosferologia. Commento sull’articolo di Simone Santamato “Atmosfere emozionali nella clinica psicoterapeutica. Alcuni dubbi sulla psichiatria atmosferologica” in "PSICOTERAPIA E SCIENZE UMANE" 1/2025, pp 41-49, DOI: 10.3280/PU2025-001003