Italian Quarterly Journal of Addiction

4 issues per year, ISSNe 3034-8986

Articoli della rivista disponibili in modalità . Open Access

Mission - Italian Quarterly Journal of Addiction - represents more than fifteen years of Italian health services’ experience, interpreting the vision of a complex concept of addiction (biological, individual and social) and its treatment. Always attentive to the epistemological assumptions underlying consumption and abuse phenomena, Mission provide new opportunities of knowledge, updating and discussion to the professionals in the field of Addiction, aiming to be a point of reference for scholars belonging to the related disciplines (Neuroscience, Psychology/Psychotherapy, Management, Social Sciences and Law, etc ..). The purpose is to present solid and updated scientific evidence, with an eye to the possibility to transfer the implications on the field, considering daily criticalities but also looking forward to the changes in progress in the prevention, clinical area and research. The articles proposed for the section "Essays, studies and research" of the journal are evaluated through a system of double-blind peer review, according to which both referees and authors remain anonymous to ensure relevant and rigorous scientific publications.

Editor in Chief: Alfio Lucchini, ASST Melegnano e Martesana - Milano
Scientific Board: Roberta Balestra, ASUI Trieste; Claudio Barbaranelli, Università La Sapienza, Roma; Bruno Bertelli, Università di Trento; Stefano Canali, SISSA Trieste; Vincenzo Caretti, Università LUMSA, Roma; Ivan Cavicchi, Università La Sapienza e Tor Vergata, Roma; Massimo Clerici, Università Milano Bicocca; Massimo Diana, ASL Cagliari; Pietro Fausto D’Egidio, ASL Pescara; Riccardo C. Gatti, ASST Santi Carlo e Paolo Milano; Gilberto Gerra, UNODC (ONU) Vienna; Mark D. Griffiths, Trent University di Nottingham Regno Unito; Jakob Jonsson, Spelinstitutet AB/Sustainable Interaction e Stockholm University Svezia; Enrico Molinari, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore Milano; Sabrina Molinaro, CNR Pisa; Felice Nava, ASL Padova; Marco Riglietta, ASST Papa Giovanni XXIII Bergamo; Giorgio Serio, ASP Palermo; Enrico Tempesta, Osservatorio Alcol e Giovani Roma.
Editorial Board: Sandra Basti (Pavia); Guido Faillace (Trapani); Maurizio Fea (Pavia); Raffaele Lovaste (Trento); Fabio Lucchini (Bergamo); Ezio Manzato (Verona); Vincenzo Marino (Varese); Cristina Stanic (Trieste); Margherita Taddeo (Taranto); Franco Zuin (Milano); Concettina Varango (Lodi)

Editorial Office: Via Mazzini 54, 20060 Gessate (Milano): email: missionredazione@gmail.com

In the case of research papers, articles submitted to the journal are typically screened by the editor or one of the associate editors to determine whether the manuscript falls within Journal’s Aims and Scope and satisfies the academic standards of the field. Papers are then assigned to an editor who oversees the entire editorial process including the final decision on the manuscript. If judged suitable for publication, the manuscript is sent to at least two independent referees for double blind peer review. Based on their recommendation, as well as possible consultation between Editorial Board members, the editor decides whether the paper should be accepted as it is, revised or rejected.

Editorial Guidelines
Licence agreement

Article Processing Charges & Fees

The publication of any single article is not bound to the payment of any fee.

Articles concerning individuals or containing personal information that makes a human subject identifiable must comply with the international standards set by the Declaration of Helsinki, developed by the World Medical Association (WMA) and revised in 2013.

For further information about the ethical conduct of the journal, please refer to the Publication Ethics linked in this section:

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Issue 68/2024




Saggi, Studi e Ricerche

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