3 issues per year, ISSN 0392-5048 , ISSNe 1972-554X

Printed issue price (also old issues): € 48.00

E-book issue price (also old issues): € 37.50

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Sociology of work is the main Italian Journal that addresses the problems of work adopting a sociological approach, with particular attention to dialogue with other disciplines and to social changes. Each issue is composed of an introductory essay by invitation, a monographic section with editors, two or three essays on a theme proposed by the authors and, finally, a section called Notebook. All the essays published in the monographic and free-theme section are selected on the basis of periodic calls and subjected to a double-blind peer review process using the OJS platform. The editors reserve the right to reject contributions sent even at the end of the review process if they do not guarantee compliance with scientific quality standards and with the envisaged editorial standards.

General editor: Vando Borghi (direttore); Marianna Filandri, Marcello Pedaci, Francesco Pirone, Barbara Poggio
Editorial board: Davide Arcidiacono, Barbara Barabaschi, Filippo Barbera, Giovanni Carrosio, Federico Chicchi, Andrea Ciarini, Alessandra Corrado, Anna Cortese, Domenica Farinella, Andrea Gandini, Alberto Gherardini, Barbara Giullari, Giorgio Gosetti, Michele La Rosa†, Enrica Morlicchio, Antonello Podda, Maria Letizia Pruna, Roberto Rizza, Devi Sacchetto, Angelo Salento, Emanuela Struffolino, Laura Zanfrini
Editors: Andrea Bottalico, Anna Carreri, Augusto Cocorullo (comunicazione), Antonio De Falco, Emanuele Leonardi (coordinatore), Anna Mori, Rebecca Paraciani, Francesca Vianello
International scientific board: Tindara Addabbo, Leonardo Altieri, Giuseppe Bonazzi, Federico Butera, Carlo Carboni, Aldo Carrera, Vanni Codeluppi, Domenico De Masi†, Donata Gottardi, Michele La Rosa†, Everardo Minardi, Enzo Mingione, Massimo Paci, Angelo Pichierri, Enrico Pugliese, Emilio Reyneri, Enzo Rullani, Adriana Signorelli, Mino Vianello, Luciano Visentini, Paolo Zurla, Mateo Alaluf (Belgio), Vil Savbanovic Bakirov (Ucraina), Juan Josè Castillo (Spagna), Pierre Desmarez (Belgio), Pierre Dubois (Francia), Claude Durand (Francia), Anna Inga Hilsen (Norvegia), Bryn Jones (Gran Bretagna), Yuri Kazepov (Austria), Jean-Louis Laville (Francia), Christian Marazzi (Svizzera), Serge Paugam (Francia), Andrew Ross (Stati Uniti), Pierre Rolle (Francia), Bengt Starrin (Svezia), Veronika Tacke (Germania), Dina Vaiou (Grecia), Mario Vargas (Colombia), Josh Whitford (Stati Uniti), Ariel Wilkis (Argentina)

Editorial Secretary: Dipartimento di Sociologia e Diritto dell’Economia - Strada Maggiore 45 - 40125 Bologna. E-mail:,

The magazine provides two referees chosen among the members of the management and editorial staff or among foreign correspondents. One of the referees can be, on the recommendation of the aforementioned members, chosen among other Italian and foreign sociologist experts. Since the magazine is a monograph, the supervision of the entire volume may, from time to time, be delegated to the two referees chosen, in addition to the articles supervision. The evaluations will be forwarded to the authors in case of refusal to publish too.

Editorial Guidelines
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The publication of any single article is not bound to the payment of any fee.

Articles concerning individuals or containing personal information that makes a human subject identifiable must comply with the international standards set by the Declaration of Helsinki, developed by the World Medical Association (WMA) and revised in 2013.

For further information about the ethical conduct of the journal, please refer to the Publication Ethics linked in this section:

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Classified in Class A by Anvur (National Agency for the Evaluation of Universities and Research Institutes) in: Sociology

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Issue 170/2024 Sguardi sociologici su lavoro e conflitto, a partire da Alain Touraine
