Libri di Architettura, design, territorio

La ricerca ha estratto dal catalogo 162 titoli


Titolo: Digitally enhanced design

Breakthrough tools, processes, and expressive potentials


The book explores evolving perspectives on furniture, interior, spatial and architectural design, providing a multifaceted view of how the design discipline and practice deal with the complex and ever-evolving interplay between the physical and the digital realms. It explores the new frontiers of digitally enhanced design, investigating how computation capabilities impact the design discipline and designers’ thinking and practice, proposing captivating portraits of digitally enhanced design possibilities, from tools and processes to expressive potentials.

Codice libro:

cod. 10319.9


Titolo: Connettere Connecting

Un disegno per annodare e tessere. Drawing for weaving relationships. Linguaggi, Distanze, Tecnologie


Connettere: un disegno per annodare e tessere è il tema pensato per il 42° Convegno internazionale della Unione Italiana per il Disegno 2020: la connessione tra i saperi è una possibilità per riportare i ragionamenti nel quadro dei processi globali che ne evidenziano la complessità, ma anche la ricchezza e le potenzialità che questi possono assumere nel contesto del patrimonio di conoscenze di cui disporre e di cui avvalersi.

Connecting: drawing for weaving relationships is the theme conceived for the 42nd International Conference of Teachers of the Disciplines of Representation, planned for 2020: the connection between the fields of knowledge is a possibility to bring the reasoning back into the framework of the global processes that evidence its reticularity, its complexity and the potential in the context of the cognitive heritage that is to be available and used.

Codice libro:

cod. 10342.3


Titolo: L'eredità di Bramante

Tra spazio virtuale e proto-design


La maestria con la quale Bramante controlla il progetto di uno spazio concepito senza soluzione di continuità mostra come l’architettura possa sfruttare le potenzialità rappresentative delle prospettive interne. Lo studio pubblicato in questo volume documenta, attraverso un numero ridotto di casi campione selezionati, la insospettata attualità sviluppata in ambito lombardo nell’applicazione della decorazione prospettica all’architettura, intesa in senso lato come arte di costruzione dello spazio artificiale.

Codice libro:

cod. 10566.4


Samantha Cenere

Titolo: Making in the making

Performing new forms and spatialities of production


During the last two decades, we have witnessed the spreading of shared spaces of work and production in different urban contexts, attracting attention from both policymakers and scholars in economic geography and urban studies. The book offers an original theoretical framework inspired by the recent strand of post-structuralist economic geography, together with a reliance on ontological tenets coming from Actor-Network Theory and Science and Technology Studies.

Codice libro:

cod. 11111.5


Alexandre Veilleux

Titolo: LGBTQ Tourism in Thailand in the light of glocalization

Capitalism, Local Policies, and Impacts on the Thai LGBTQ Community


For many decades, Thailand has been described as a “gay paradise” by various travel magazines. However, local LGBTQ people are still facing discrimination in many aspects of their life and many rights are denied to people of various sexual orientations and identities. Tourism brings stronger connections between countries, increasing exchanges of ideas and customs among different populations, such as ideas and values relating to sexual identities. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to find out what are the impacts of LGBTQ tourism on the Thai LGBTQ community and on Thai legislation regarding people of various sexual orientations.

Codice libro:

cod. 11111.6


Titolo: Extended Store

How digitalization effects the retail space design


Extended store has been a work of mapping the phenomena of digitalization that effects spaces and above all the world of retail. Shops will not disappear in the 21st century, but they will have to change (if they have not already done so) to survive. They will have to evolve by integrating technological solutions that are not only back-end (as they have done so far), but front-end, and therefore available to customers in the shop as in the cases reported in the book.

Codice libro:

cod. 10319.10


Titolo: From Human-centered to More-than-Human Design

Exploring the transition


The environmental emergency of the last century has led to an urgent need to reformulate the predominant role of human beings on the planet by undertaking a less anthropocentric design approach. Within this theoretical framework, the book explores the role of Design as a multifaceted discipline capable of exploring the complexity of a changing world, and reconsiders the human being’s position in a pervasive relationship with the contemporary environments through a More-than-Human approach.

Codice libro:

cod. 10319.11


The book presents contributions submitted at the Conference “Designing for Inclusive Learning Experience”, which was held in Florence on May 10, 2019, at the Department of Architecture DIDA of the University of Florence. The conference main topics regard the application of Ergonomics and Human Factors to Education, Gamification and Inclusion.

Codice libro:

cod. 10085.1


Titolo: Design Research in the Digital Era.

Opportunities and implications. Notes on Doctoral Research in Design 2020


This book proposes an overview of the researches initiated in 2015 in the Design PhD programme of Politecnico di Milano. All of them explore the implications of the ongoing digital transformations, from the specific perspective of design research. Throughout the book, the cultural, organisational, social, and managerial issues raised by digital technology, are debated and how such issues call for a reframing of design processes, practices and models.

Codice libro:

cod. 10319.4


Titolo: Gli strumenti per leggere il mondo

La geografia dalla scuola dell'infanzia alla scuola secondaria di secondo grado


Gli strumenti per leggere il mondo è un contributo e uno strumento per l’educazione geografica e l’insegnamento della geografia volto a supportare il lavoro in classe dell’insegnante e destinato ai docenti delle scuole di ogni ordine e grado. Il percorso di formazione ha avuto lo scopo di creare spazi di condivisione delle prassi relative all’insegnamento della geografia in una prospettiva interdisciplinare con l’obiettivo di sperimentare proposte didattiche attraverso laboratori tematici.

Codice libro:

cod. 11787.7