Dispositivi digitali per la comunicazione nei musei archeologici

Titolo Rivista CADMO
Autori/Curatori Paolo Campetella
Anno di pubblicazione 2017 Fascicolo 2016/2
Lingua Italiano Numero pagine 16 P. 75-90 Dimensione file 165 KB
DOI 10.3280/CAD2016-002007
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The use of digital technologies is widespread in collecting, processing and presenting data derived from archaeological investigations, although it’s not yet clear how much the use of technology has influenced and changed the communications adopted in archaeological exhibitions. The research was aimed to investigate how ICTs are integrated as cultural mediation tools in archaeological museums. An analysis guide, inspired by the communicational model of Pignier and Drouillat (2004) for the analysis of web sites, was applied to two archaeological on site museums: the Grenoble-Saint Laurent Archaeological Museum and the Section dedicated to the Jupiter Temple in the Capitolini Museums. The data analysis identified some indicative characteristics of cultural mediation tools, whether analogue or digital, which could show the application of specific communication strategies. The research offers the possibility to highlight the relationship among devices in the archaeological exhibition to better understand how their integration can affect the meaning making processes of visitors.;

Keywords:Archeological museum, cultural mediation, ICT, communication strategy, exhibition.

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Paolo Campetella, Dispositivi digitali per la comunicazione nei musei archeologici in "CADMO" 2/2016, pp 75-90, DOI: 10.3280/CAD2016-002007