Exploring Determinants of Work Motivation in Public Service: The Influence of Organizational Context and Public Service Motivation

Titolo Rivista MECOSAN
Autori/Curatori Danila Scarozza, Denita Cepiku, Alessandro Hinna, Alessandro Peluso
Anno di pubblicazione 2018 Fascicolo 2017/104
Lingua Italiano Numero pagine 21 P. 89-109 Dimensione file 23767 KB
DOI 10.3280/MESA2017-104006
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The study aims to understand the extent to which job satisfaction and organizational commitment are driven by public service motivation versus variables that reflect several aspects of the organizational context. A survey was sent to employees working in a large public hospital in Italy. The analysis show that both work context and individual variables predict work motivation. Particularly, value congruence, attraction to policy making, and self-sacrifice, predict job satisfaction; group culture and self-sacrifice impact organizational commitment. The results offer some implications for HRM. Firstly, public managers have to remove any impediment that can prevent employees from serving the public interest. Second, creating a sense of shared culture could be an important tool is in keeping the workforce motivated and committed.;

Keywords:Contesto organizzativo; Public Service Motivation, Soddisfazione al lavoro, sanità, commitment organizzativo.

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Danila Scarozza, Denita Cepiku, Alessandro Hinna, Alessandro Peluso, Exploring Determinants of Work Motivation in Public Service: The Influence of Organizational Context and Public Service Motivation in "MECOSAN" 104/2017, pp 89-109, DOI: 10.3280/MESA2017-104006