An investigation into the quality of services provided by a psychiatric day center in the representations of the actors involved

Autori/Curatori Carlo Foddis, Giulia Sarnataro, Noemi Carminati, Valeria Di Bartolomei, Natalia Palermo, Eleonora Amicosante, Andrea Colacicco, Chiara Mesoraca, Alessandro Grispini
Anno di pubblicazione 2025 Fascicolo 2024/2
Lingua Inglese Numero pagine 30 P. 71-100 Dimensione file 0 KB
DOI 10.3280/rpc2-2024oa16645
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Objective: This survey aims to explore the quality of social and health services provided by a psychiatric Day Centre according to the representations proposed by the various actors involved. Methods: The quality topic was investigated through a mixed research approach, which is useful for acquiring both qualitative and quantitative information, integrating various sources (operators, technicians, and users), and using different survey techniques. A pool of instruments was defined, ranging from measures of association and graduation between variables (Pearson’s X², Kendall’s Tau-c) to lexicometric analysis on narrative-type sources, functional to formulating hypotheses on the actual functioning of the Service. Results: An overall set of quality performance indicators of the Day Centre was identified, to suggest specific lines of organizational intervention. Conclusions: A vision of Quality as the productive competence of a given health context in providing effective and sustainable responses to the health demand of the population served is described. It can be assessed through a survey procedure based on qualitative-quantitative methods of reading and analyzing specific indicators deduced from the social representations of the actors involved.

Keywords:; quality; mixed methods; case study; organisational analysis; social representations

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Carlo Foddis, Giulia Sarnataro, Noemi Carminati, Valeria Di Bartolomei, Natalia Palermo, Eleonora Amicosante, Andrea Colacicco, Chiara Mesoraca, Alessandro Grispini, An investigation into the quality of services provided by a psychiatric day center in the representations of the actors involved in "RIVISTA DI PSICOLOGIA CLINICA" 2/2024, pp 71-100, DOI: 10.3280/rpc2-2024oa16645