Fascicolo 48/2023
Studi e ricerche
- Aldo Enrietti, Aldo Geuna, Pier Paolo Patrucco, L’evoluzione dell’industria automobilistica italiana (1894-2020) attraverso il dataset AUTOITA
- Marina Nicoli, Rappresentazione e percezione del produttore cinematografico: uno sguardo al caso italiano (1905-1970)
- Giovanni Gregorini, Riccardo Semeraro, Secondo le esigenze di una società industriale evoluta. Impresa e cattolicesimo negli esordi del CESIPI
Archivi e fonti
Fascicolo 47/2023
Business History as business. Exploring heritage, history, and money
- Daniele Pozzi, Business history as business: the business historian facing the rise of corporate heritage
- Fabien Pecot, Customer perception of brands’ heritage: synthesis and perspectives
- Ian Jones, «For most of its history, that was not the case»: The importance of corporate archives in the use of past strategy
- Tomasz Olejniczak, Volodymyr Kulikov, Managing organizational discontinuity in a corporate museum: case study of the Polish Vodka Museum
- Angelo Riviezzo, Antonella Garofano, Maria Rosaria Napolitano, The present (and future) value of the past. Heritage marketing strategies within long-lived firms of Made in Italy
- Valentina Martino, An invisible heritage. Company books and “bookhood” in the Italian case