Fascicolo 5/2012
- Jorge Burmeister, Letter from the President
- Jorge Burmeister, Carta del Presidente
- Lars Tauvon, Teresa von Sommaruga Howard, Editors’ Introduction
- Teresa von Sommaruga Howard, Introducción Editorial
- Penelope Campling, John Ballatt, Intelligent Kindness - Reforming the Culture of Healthcare
- Carlos E. Sluzki, The Group Therapist as Social Network Enhancer: A New Area of Inquiry
- Carlos E. Sluzki, Terapias grupales, red social personal y salud: Un area novedosa de investigación
- Dick Blackwell, ‘Fundamentalism’, ‘Radicalisation’ and ‘Terrorism’ revisited: Some notes on the application of group psychotherapy to the understanding of terrorism and political oppression
- Ros Gregorio Armananzas, Tenth Anniversary of the Twin Towers Tragedy: Is it Possible to Prevent the Transmission of Collective Trauma?
- Ros Gregorio Armananzas, Décimo Aniversario de la tragedia de las torres gemelas: Es posible prevenir la transmisión del trauma colectivo?
- Gillie Rusconmbe, Exploring the ‘Dramatic Moment’: Comparing the works of SH Foulkes and JL Moreno
- Dana Johnson, Psychodrama and the Elderly
- Rayna Popova, Parallel Scenes