Regular Articles
- Alessandra Vaccaro, Ida Agosta, Alessandro Montelelone, Antonio Giampaolo, Dario Macaluso, The use of FADN methodology to support the evaluation of business development plans in the RDP Sicily 2014-2020
- Roberto Cagliero, Andrea Arzeni, Federica Cisilino, Alessandro Montelelone, Patrizia Borsotto, Ten years after: Diffusion, criticism and potential improvements in the use of FADN for Rural Development assessment in Italy
- Luca Turchetti, Nadia Gastaldin, Sonia Marongiu, Enhancing the Italian FADN for sustainability assessment: The state of art and perspectives
- Nicola Galluzzo, Estimation of the impact of CAP subsidies as environmental variables on Romanian farms
- Guido M. Bazzani, Roberta Spadoni, Generating cropping schemes from FADN data at the farm and territorial scale
- Federica Cisilino, Greta Zilli, Gabriele Zanuttig, FADN data to support policymaking: The potential of an additional survey
- Patrizia Borsotto, Francesca Moino, Silvia Novelli, Modeling change in the ratio of water irrigation costs to farm incomes under various scenarios with integrated FADN and administrative data
- Concetta Cardillo, Giuliano Vitali, Mapping data granularity: The case of FADN
- Sonia Marongiu, Barbara Bimbati, Mauro Santamgelo, Use and users of FADN data in Italy
- Rebecca Buttinelli, Raffaele Cortignani, Gabriele Dono, Financial sustainability in Italian Organic Farms: An analysis of the FADN Sample
- Claudio Liberati, Concetta Cardillo, Antonella Di Fonzo, Sustainability and competitiveness in farms: An evidence of Lazio region agriculture through FADN data analysis
- Veronica Manganiello, Alessandro Banterle, Gabriele Canali, Geremia Gios, Giacomo Branca, Sofia Galeotti, Fabrizio De Filippis, Raffaella Zucaro, Economic characterization of irrigated and livestock farms in The Po River Basin District
- Maria Assunta D’Oronzio, Carmela De Vivo, Organic and conventional farms in the Basilicata region: A comparison of structural and economic variables using FADN data
- Felicetta Carillo, Francesco Licciardo, Eugenio Corazza, Investments financing at farm level: A regional assessment using FADN data
- Benedikt Kramer, Anke Schorr, Reiner Doluschitz, Markus Lips, The Role of Neighborhood Effects on Investing Dairy Farms
- Myriam Ruberto, Alessandro Catini, Mara Lai, Veronica Manganiello, The impact of irrigation on agricultural productivity: The case of FADN farms in Veneto
- Maurizio Canavari, Sedef Akgüngör, Valeria Borsellino, Alessio Cavicchi, Catherine Chan, Alessio Ishizaka, Simona Naspetti, Søren Marcus Pedersen, Stefanella Stranieri, Maro Vlachopoulou, Editorial
- Oluwakemi Adeola Obayelu, Emem Ime Akpan, Ayodeji O. Ojo, Prevalence and correlates of food insecurity in rural Nigeria: A panel analysis
- Biagia De Devitiis, Rosaria Viscecchia, Valentina Carfora, Carla Cavallo, Gianni Cicia, Teresa Del Giudice, Concetta Menna, Gianluca Nardone, Antonio Seccia, Parents’ trust in food safety and healthiness of children’s diets: A TPB model explaining the role of retailers and government
- Elena Kokthi, Irina Canco, Eneida Topulli, Whose salad is organic? An attribute segmentation perspective-evidence from Albania
- Muhammad Yasir Yusuf, Rahmat Fadhil, T. Saiful Bahri, Hafiizh Maulana, Comparison study of agricultural insurance government subsidy and farmers’ self-subsistent premium in Indonesia
- Maria Assunta D’Oronzio, Carmela Sica, Innovation in Basilicata agriculture: From tradition to digital
- Francesco Zecca, Marco D'Errico, Food security and land use: The Ethiopian case
- Sheraz Alam Malik, Martin K. Hingley, Consumer demand information as a re-balancing tool for power asymmetry between food retailers and suppliers
- Maurizio Canavari, Sedef Akgüngör, Valeria Borsellino, Alessio Cavicchi, Catherine Chan, Alessio Ishizaka, Simona Naspetti, Søren Marcus Pedersen, Stefanella Stranieri, Maro Vlachopoulou, Editorial (Editorial)
- Isabella Procidano, Christine Mauracher, Marco Valentini, Consumers’ perception of Prosecco wine packaging: A pilot study in Padua and Milan (Consumers’ perception of Prosecco wine packaging: A pilot study in Padua and Milan)
- Silvia Andrés González-Moralejo, Mildrey García Cortés, Juan Francisco López Miquel, Are small and medium-size food industry firms profitable? Explaining differences in their performance: The case of the Valencia Region (Are small and medium-size food industry firms profitable? Explaining differences in their performance: The case of the Valencia Region)
- Biancamaria Torquati, Lucio Cecchini, Chiara Paffarini, Massimo Chiorri, The economic and environmental sustainability of extra virgin olive oil supply chains: An analysis based on food miles and value chains (The economic and environmental sustainability of extra virgin olive oil supply chains: An analysis based on food miles and value chains)
- Mikael Oliveira Linder, Katia Laura Sidali, Gesa Busch, Mountain beef and wine: Italian consumers’ definitions and opinions on the mountain labelling-scheme (Mountain beef and wine: Italian consumers’ definitions and opinions on the mountain labelling-scheme)
- Catherine Macombe, Is an alternative to private property durable in agriculture? (Is an alternative to private property durable in agriculture?)
- Fabio Gaetano Santeramo, Dragan Miljkovic, Emilia Lamonaca, Agri-food trade and climate change (Agri-food trade and climate change)