Fascicolo 9/1993
- Anthony James catanese, Politics, implementation and deadwood planners
- Lawrence Susskind, A superb book
- Glen McDougall, Machiavelli without prince
- Michael P. Brooks, The political education of planners: does context matter?
- Norman Krumholz, Planning, politics and normative guidance
- Sue Hendler, The threee's of planning: effectiveness, efficiency, ethics
- Rachelle Alterman, The "cold fusion" of ideas from public planning with corporate management
- Guy Beneviste, A reply
- Tore Sager, Paradigms for planning: a rationality-based classification
- Stefano Moroni, Planning theory, pratica philosophy and phronesis.
- Bent Flyvbjerg, Planning theory, power and progressive phronesis. Reply to Stefano Moroni