Consip: The value of an experience.
Theory and practice between e-Procurement and e- Government
An important role in modernisation of the Public Administration in Italy is played by Consip, which represents – through the development of synergies between e-Procurement and e-Government – one of the strategic levers to support the evolution currently under way. This volume aims to provide both a theoretical and practical critical analysis of what has been done so far and to examine routes that are as yet unexplored and which may be followed in the future.
Pagine: 128
ISBN: 9788856818253
Edizione:1a edizione 2009
Codice editore: 1490.14
Possibilità di stampa: No
Possibilità di copia: No
Possibilità di annotazione: Sì
Formato: PDF con DRM per Digital Editions