Cooperative methods and tools for distributed software processes

A cura di: Aniello Cimitile, Andrea De Lucia, Harald Gall

Cooperative methods and tools for distributed software processes

Pagine: 176

ISBN: 9788846447746

Edizione: 1a edizione 2003

Codice editore: 380.222

Disponibilità: Discreta

The goal of this book is to provide recent results on methods and tools to support collaboration in distributed software engineering processes. More and more companies are moving from traditional software factory models towards virtual organisation models, where independent institutions, departments, and groups of specialised individuals converge in a temporary network with the aim of utilising a competitive advantage or solving a specific problem.

Workflow and computer supported cooperative work technologies are primary enablers for virtual organisations and project teams, as people and institutions in a network make substantially more use of computer mediated channels than physical presence to interact and cooperate. This book collects research contributions from several authors of different countries and includes latest results from three research projects funded by the European Union within the Information Society Technologies (IST) 5th Framework Programme.

Aniello Cimitile is a full professor of computer science and the chancellor of the University of Sannio, Benevento, Italy. His research interests are in Software Engineering, in particular in software maintenance and evolution, reverse engineering, reengineering, and testing. Prof. Cimitile is the editor-in-chief of the Journal of Software Maintenance and Evolution: Research and Practice, published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

Andrea De Lucia is an associate professor of computer science at the University of Sannio, Benevento, Italy. He received a PhD in Electronic Engineering and Computer Science from the University of Naples "Federico II" (Italy) and an MSc in Computer Science from the University of Durham (UK). His research interests are in Software Engineering, in particular in workflow management, software maintenance, reengineering, program comprehension, and source code analysis.

Harald Gall is an associate professor of applied computer science at the Technical University of Vienna, Austria. He received a PhD and an MSc in computer science from the same University. His research interests are in distributed systems with focus on software architecture, reverse engineering, software maintenance and evolution, and mobile and distributed collaboration.

Cornelia Boldyreff, David Nutter, Stephen Rank, Mike Smith, Pauline Wilcox, Rick Dewar, Dawid Weiss, Pierluigi Ritrovato, Environments to Support Collaborative Software Engineering
Schahram Dustdar, Harald Gall, Engin Kirda, Distributed Product Development in Virtual Communities
Gerardo Canfora, Filippo Lanubile, Teresa Mallardo, Can Collaborative Software Development Benefit from Synchronous Groupware Functions?
Paul Grünbacher, Patrick Braunsberger, Tool Support for Distributed Requirements Negotiation
Daniele Ballarini, Marco Cadoli, Matteo Gaeta, Toni Mancini, Massimo Mecella, Pierluigi Ritrovato, Giuseppe Santucci, Cooperative Software Development in Genesis: Requirements, Conceptual Model and Architecture
Lerina Aversano, Aniello Cimitile, Andrea De Lucia, Silvio Stefanucci, Maria Luisa Villani, GENESIS Workflow: Managing Distributed Software Processes
David Nutter, Cornelia Boldyreff, Stephen Rank, An Artefact Repository to Support Distributed Software Engineering
Claus Eikemeier, Ulrike Lechner, Florian Beyerlein, Michael Lodde, The iKnow-Tool: Connecting Software Engineers with Peer-to-Peer Software for Ad-hoc Collaboration
Gerardo Canfora, Aniello Cimitile, Corrado Aaron Visaggio, Dynamic Software Community of Practice through Three-Layered Competence Model
Mike Smith, Pauline Wilcox, Rick Dewar, Dawid Weiss, The Ophelia Traceability Layer
Luca Abeti, Paolo Ciancarini, Valentina Presutti, An Ontology Driven Method for Designing Software Agents for Workflows Across Organizations.

Contributi: Filippo Lanubile, Daniele Ballarini, Matteo Gaeta, Massimo Mecella, Lerina Aversano, Maria Luisa Villani, Aaron Visaggio, Paolo Ciancarini, Gerardo Canfora, Teresa Mallardo, Marco Cadoli, Toni Mancini, Giuseppe Santucci, Silvio Stefanucci, Michael Lodde, Luca Abeti, Valentina Presutti

Collana: Economia e politica industriale

Argomenti: Economia industriale

Livello: Studi, ricerche

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