Corpus Linguistics and English Teaching Materials

Giovanna Carloni

Corpus Linguistics and English Teaching Materials

Corpus linguistics, with its new methodological approaches to language study, has developed extensively over the last few decades affecting a wide range of disciplinary fields. This volume focuses on key notions and methods in corpus linguistics investigation, which are presented within an applied corpus linguistics framework.

Pages: 226

ISBN: 9788891728166

Edition: 1a edizione 2016

Publisher code: 1058.44

Availability: Discreta

Corpus linguistics, with its new methodological approaches to language study, has developed extensively over the last few decades and has affected a wide range of disciplinary fields. "Corpus Linguistics and English Teaching Materials" focuses on key notions and methods in corpus linguistics investigation, which are presented within an applied corpus linguistics framework. The theoretical and pedagogical underpinnings of Data-Driven Learning (DDL) are discussed; discourse-based and phraseological approaches are analyzed. The connection between DDL and students' learning styles is examined. The analysis of English corpus-informed teaching materials zeroes in on course book design. Furthermore, research on English genre-specific academic writing is presented; in particular, two corpus-based studies investigate the stance and engagement bundles in conference abstracts and the structural complexity and disciplinary variation of the conference abstracts across disciplines. Corpus-designed activities, which instructors can implement in their classes (such as corpus linguistics and EAP/ESP courses), are also provided; the hands-on tasks require students to access corpora directly acting as active learners and autonomous researchers.

Giovanna Carloni is a lecturer at the University of Urbino, Italy. Her fields of expertise are English linguistics, corpus linguistics, Second Language Acquisition (SLA), foreign language didactics, Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL), educational technology, and teacher training. Furthermore, she is responsible for pre-service teachers' practicum within the master's degree program "Teaching Italian to Foreigners" where she holds language teaching methodology courses.

Michaela Mahlberg, Foreword
Part 1. Corpus linguistics
What is a corpus?
(Corpus types; Corpus annotation)
Paradigm shifts in language study
(Developments in Corpus Linguistics)
Key notions in corpus linguistics analysis
Applied corpus linguistics
(Corpus-related language study)
Data-Driven Learning
(Phraseological and discourse-based approaches; DDL and learning styles: catering for learners)
Main English corpora available
Part 2. Analysis of corpus-informed teaching materials
Research questions
Part A
Part B
(Unit description; Discussion and conclusion)
Part C
(Lexico-grammar; Frequency; Vocabulary; Pragmatics; Conclusion)
Part D
Part E
Part F
Part G
Part H
(Unit description; Discussion and conclusion)
Part 3. Abstract analysis: a cross-disciplinary corpus-based study
Academic writing
(Academic abstracts; Hyland's model of interaction)
The Present Study
Findings and discussion
(Stance; Engagement)
Pedagogical applications
Part 4. The complexity of English academic writing: disciplinary variation and structural complexity in conference abstracts. A corpus-based study
Academic writing: clausal and phrasal complexity features
(Historical background: the development of compression and implicitness in English academic writing; Clausal elaboration and phrasal compression: research)
Structural complexity and disciplinary variation in conference abstracts
(Compressed and implicit academic prose: the learner's perspective; Corpus-informed academic writing instruction: materials design)
The study
(Research questions; Method; The corpus; Results)
Pedagogical applications
Part 5. Corpus-designed activities
Corpus-designed activities
(Task set A; Task set B; Task set C)

Contributors: Michaela Mahlberg

Serie: Lingua, traduzione, didattica

Subjects: Linguistics

Level: Scholarly Research - Textbooks

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