Corridor Policies and Territorial Development

A cura di: Alex Fubini

Corridor Policies and Territorial Development

Main Infrastructure and Urban Nodes within Corridor V

Il frutto di una ricerca che ha affrontato i temi del rapporto fra grandi opere e sviluppo territoriale nell’ambito di una concezione estensiva di Corridoio, che non si limiti a guardare alla sola infrastruttura, ma che consideri la più estesa e articolata offerta che i territori già oggi sono in grado di produrre e che non sempre sono in grado di fare interagire con le politiche infrastrutturali e gli investimenti di settore.

Pagine: 296

ISBN: 9788846472700

Edizione: 1a edizione 2008

Codice editore: 380.302

Disponibilità: Discreta

The book focuses on the relationship between territorial policies and infrastructural investments in the main Corridor V urban nodes. The nature of the relationship and the influence of Corridor-related investments on local planning policies were considered. Nodes were analysed and the conclusions are presented in this book.
Financing and investments in both urban transformation and infrastructure were considered in main node infrastructure and urban renovation policies for each segment of the Corridor in Italy detailing the five relevant urban areas in the North of the country. Investments stand at about 7 billion Euros, 4 for infrastructure and 3 for urban development: the sums involved illustrate the degree of reorganisation and renovation urban nodes are undergoing, although each one at its own pace and Corridor weight in its policies.

Alex Fubini, teaches Territorial Planning at the Turin Polytechnic and is in charge of the PhD Course in Territorial Planning and Local Development. He has coordinated a number of EU research projects.

Coordinators: G. Dematteis, A. Fubini (project leader), A. Peano.
Contributors: D. Ciaffi, A. Fubini, MT. Gabardi, S. Martin, P. Riganti, FS. Rota, A. Stanghellini, V. Torbianelli, A. Vanolo.

Alex Fubini, Corridor and Territorial Policies
(Premise; The initial and final aims of the AlpenCorS Project; What is a Corridor?; Definitions; Territorial Planning, Policies and Corridor; Remarks)
Part I
Francesca Rota, Alberto Vanolo, Competitive scenarios
(Competitive scenarios: regional comparisons; Geopolitical conditions along the Corridor running south of the Alps: current situation and a number of considerations; geopolitics of the Corridor running south of the Alps; Guidelines)
Maria Teresa Gabardi, Infrastructure networks
(The Italian section of Corridor V: the main road and rail projects; A look at the other "AlpenCorS" Regions; Appendix to chapter: data updated to February 2008)
Part II
Solange Martin, Lyon
(Regional and National Policies for transports in Rhône-Alpes Region; Railway projects; Urban development projects; Conclusions)
Andrea Stanghellini, Torino
(Railway junctions: current demand, services, and critical points in the node; Connections between the public transport network and the High Capacity Line; Territorial Plans involving the Torino node: the Central Backbone and Olympic interventions; Conclusions)
Maria Teresa Gabardi, Novara
(Railway nodes: current aspects, services and criticality of the node; Main Plans and Projects for the railway network, linked to the high-speed system (HSL); Roadway nodes: current aspects, services offered and criticality; Conclusion: relationship with the Corridor)
Paolo Riganti, Milano
(Illustration of infrastructural interventions; The Road Network: current supply, demand, and criticality of the node; The urban interventions: project selection; Conclusions)
Maria Teresa Gabardi, Verona
(Railway junctions: current demand, services, and criticalities in the rail node; Main current of future projects for the railway network directly connected to the High Capacity System (HCS); The roadway network: current demand, services, and criticalities of the node; Current and planned projects for the roadway network linked to Corridor; Other interventions linked to Corridor V policies: the Fissero-Po di Levante waterway and the Verona-Villafranca "Valerio Catullo" Airport; Logistics: the so-called "Interporto Quadrante Europa"; Ongoing urban transformation; Conclusions)
Maria Teresa Gabardi, Venezia
(The railway node: current demand, services, and criticality in the node; Main current projects and plans for the railway network directly connected to the High Capacity System (HCS); The roadway node: current demand, services, and criticality in the node; Present Projects and Plans for the Roadway Network Connected to Corridor V; Other projects connected with Corridor V policy projects for the Tessera Airport and Venezia Port; Ongoing urban transformations; Conclusions)
Vittorio Torbianelli, Trieste
(The current railway system in Trieste; The railway projects; Ongoing urban transformations; Project at the Airport of Ronchi dei Legionari; Conclusions)
Vittorio Torbianelli, Ljubjana
Alex Fubini, Conclusions
(The Corridor as a metaphor; The Corridor as a route for development; Corridor policies and territorial development; Infrastructure investments, node policies; Guidelines; Corridor investments and governments, node policies; Guidelines; Corridor investments and government levels; Integration between infrastructure investments and local territorial policies)
Daniela Ciaffi, Opinions: Corridor V scenarios through the eyes of the media
(A two-year selection of the Italian Press; Comparing Press scenarios the AlpenCorS Project; Corridors and Geopolitics; Topics not covered)
Alex Fubini, European Transport Policies: Recalling the Main Issues
(Introduction; Transport Networks: Problems; Networks; Interconnections; European Transport Policies; Remarks).

Contributi: Daniela Ciaffi, Maria Teresa Gabardi, Solange Martin, Paolo Riganti, Francesca Rota, Andrea Stanghellini, Vittorio Torbianelli, Alberto Vanolo

Collana: Economia e politica industriale

Argomenti: Economia ambientale e dei trasporti

Livello: Studi, ricerche

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