Euro - mediterranean partnership in the aftermath of the arab spring

A cura di: Franco Praussello

Euro - mediterranean partnership in the aftermath of the arab spring

The recent democratic upheaval in a number of southern countries, starting with the toppling of Ben Ali in Tunisia and Mubarak in Egypt, can give the EU an opportunity to re-launch the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership on a fresh basis, by recognizing in the first place its responsibilities in the past, not having put the human rights issues at its centre, and by offering the southern and eastern Mediterranean partners genuine equality of conditions.

Pagine: 390

ISBN: 9788856841640

Edizione: 1a edizione 2011

Codice editore: 365.883

Disponibilità: Buona

Pagine: 390

ISBN: 9788856870411

Edizione:1a edizione 2011

Codice editore: 365.883

Possibilità di stampa: No

Possibilità di copia: No

Possibilità di annotazione:

Formato: PDF con DRM per Digital Editions

Informazioni sugli e-book

Despite the attempt to revamp the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership launched with the Barcelona Declaration in 1995 with the Union for the Mediterranean during the 2008 Paris Summit, the new initiative was unable to achieve its main goals and seems to be drifting into irrelevance, whereas the Euro-Mediterranean project in general is in jeopardy. Deprived of its main economic subject, the establishment of mutually beneficial cooperation in the form of a regional Free Trade Area, the cornerstone of the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership became the externalization of immigration policies by EU countries with the help of agreements with single southern partners, guaranteeing a more or less staunch control on migration flows to the North, in a context of enhanced security concerns. In the absence of a common regional strategy, the Euro-Mediterranean cooperation gave way to an unsafe compromise between the necessity of the northern countries to be shielded from dangers of illegal immigration, Islamic fundamentalism and terrorism threats, on the one hand, and the need of receiving international support by the southern illiberal and corrupt governments, on the other, at the expenses of local populations.
The recent democratic upheaval in a number of southern countries, starting with the toppling of Ben Ali in Tunisia and Mubarak in Egypt, can however give the EU an opportunity to re-launch the Euro- Mediterranean Partnership on a fresh basis, by recognizing in the first place its responsibilities in the past, not having put the human rights issues at its centre, and by offering the southern and eastern Mediterranean partners genuine equality of conditions.
The book content is the result of a common research project by scholars of the two Mediterranean rims and may help both take stock of the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership in the wake of the Union for the Mediterranean and the Arab Spring and pave the way for a renewed EU-MENA countries relationship.

Franco Praussello teaches International Economics and Economic Policy at the universities of Genoa and Parma, Italy, and is a Jean Monnet ad personam chair holder in "EU Economic Studies".

Franco Praussello, Introduction. The Union for the Mediterranean: How the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership Headed for a Deadlock
Section One. Economic Sources of the Arab Spring
Andrea Marino, Economic Factors and Political Turmoil in North Africa
Maha A. Rashed, Positioning of South Mediterranean Countries in International Production Networks: Challenges and Potentials with Focus on CEECS' Experience
Shimaa A. Elkomy, Impact of European Mediterranean Partnership on Business Development in Mediterranean Region and its Future Aspirations
Ahmed F. Ghoneim, Investigating the Needs and Potential Effects of Some Aspects of Deep Integration in the EU-Egypt Association Agreement and Neighbourhood Policy
Section Two. Trade, Investment and Exchange Rates
Andrea Marino, The Canging Structure of Euro-Mediterranean Trade in Goods after Barcelona
Marta Favara, FDI and Trade in Eight MENA Countries: Complements or Substitutes? A Gravity Model Analysis
Oscar Garavello, Rules of Origin and the Euro-Mediterranean Association Agreements: A new Initiative for Closer Commercial Relations
Andrej Kumar, Trade Aspects and Trade Prospects of Euro-Mediterranean Paqrtnership. Rules of Origin and Impacts on Western Balkan Countries Inclusion into Euro-Med Diagonal Cumulation
Franco Praussello, Impact of the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership on FDI: The Case of Turkey
Inès Saidane, Exchange Rate Pass-Through and Domestic Inflation in Tunisia and Turkey: A VAR Approach
Section Three
Savvas Katsikides, The Need for a Sustainable and Balanced Social Model in Europe
Wilken Bruns, Claudia Semeraro, Farewell to the Welfare State: Female Labour Participation and the Mediterranean Welfare State
Nikolaos Lymouris, Towards a Euro-Mediterranean Higher Education and Research Area
Olga Bombardelli, Citizenship Education and Ethical Economy. Some Examples from the Mediterranean Area
Abeer S. Selim, The Extent to which Islamic Economic Principles Match the Contemporary Economic Theories
Sectio Four. Political Elements
Joseph S. Joseph, The Union for the Mediterranean: Problems and Prospects
Mai El Gabry, Democracy in Egypt: Taking USAID as an Example for an American NGO
Giorgia Yiangou, Challenges to Energy Security in Europe: The Effects of Potential Oil and Natural Gas Disruptions
Kamleh Khatib, The Traqin of Peace: The Mid-Orient Express.

Collana: Economia - Ricerche

Argomenti: Economia europea e internazionale

Livello: Studi, ricerche

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