European Solutions for Guidance and Counselling for Socially Disadvantaged Groups

Pamela M. Clayton, Peter Plant, Ingmarie Rohdin

European Solutions for Guidance and Counselling for Socially Disadvantaged Groups

The members of many disadvantaged groups, such as older and younger, migrants and ethnic minorities, and disabled young people, encounter obstacles, not only when seeking employment but also when attending vocational guidance services. Guidance counsellors too face difficulties when working with certain client groups. This volume gives voice to both guidance counsellors and their clients, offering perspectives on the obstacles for both and recommendations for policy and practice.

Pagine: 128

ISBN: 9788856805055

Edizione: 1a edizione 2008

Codice editore: 2000.1248

Disponibilità: Discreta

Pagine: 128

ISBN: 9788846494948

Edizione:1a edizione 2008

Codice editore: 2000.1248

Possibilità di stampa: No

Possibilità di copia: No

Possibilità di annotazione:

Formato: PDF con DRM per Digital Editions

Informazioni sugli e-book

The members of many disadvantaged groups, such as older and younger, migrants and ethnic minorities, and disabled young people, encounter obstacles, not only when seeking employment but also when attending vocational guidance services. Guidance counsellors too face difficulties when working with certain client groups.
This volume gives voice to both guidance counsellors and their clients, offering perspectives on the obstacles for both and recommendations for policy and practice.

Pamela M. Clayton is a political sociologist and Research Fellow in the Department of Adult and Continuing Education, Faculty of Education, University of Glasgow, United Kingdom.
Peter Plant is Assistant Professor of Human Sciences in the Faculty of Medicine, University of Milan, Italy.
Ingmarie Rohdin is a project coordinator for adult education at the Folkuniversitetet, Kristianstad, Sweden.

Contributors: Mar Camarasa, Pamela M. Clayton, Riza Gürbüz, Ulla H•jmark Jensen, Helmut Kronika, Martin Persson, Peter Plant, Pilar Quevedo, Andrew Shorey, Lorena Stoica and Ghislaine Tafforeau.

Pamela M. Clayton, Ingmarie Rohdin, Introduction: the "Guide Life" research
(Long-term unemployed people; Diversity of unemployed people; Overview of the research)
Peter Plant, Carer guidance for socially disadvantaged groups: quality issues
(The backdrop; What is guidance?; Occupational and educational information quality; Staff qualifications and competence; Delivery of guidance; Quality Assurance and Indicators; Mobility: A Quality Outcome?; Other approaches; Conclusion)
Pamela M. Clayton, Helmut Kronika, The older unemployed
(Some biographies of older unemployed people; Obstacles and barriers for older unemployed people)
Pamela M. Clayton, Helmut Kronika, Lorena Stoica, Riza Gürbüz, Disadvantaged young people
(Some biographies of young unemployed people; Voices of young people)
Pamela M. Clayton, Mar Camarasa, Pilar Quevedo, Ghislaine Tafforeau, Andrew Shorey, Migrants, farced and unforced
(Voice of a refugee; Biographies of women refugees; Obstacles and barriers for migrants)
Pamela M. Clayton, Lorena Stoica, Andrew Shorey, Ethnic minorities
(Voices of ethnic minority women; Barriers reported by young members of ethnic minorities; Obstacles for guidance counsellors advising young members of ethnic minorities; Recommendations for action to overcome barriers for ethnic minority young people)
Pamela M. Clayton, Martin Persson, Disabled people
(Obstacles and barriers for young disabled people in Sweden; Obstacles for guidance counsellors advising disabled people; Recommandations for action to overcomen barriers for young disabled people)
Peter Plant, Ulla H•jmark Jensen, Conclusions: the role of guidance - advocacy and feedback
(What is social exlusion?; Three explanations; Solving, preventing, coping; Summary and conclusion)
Further recommended reading
Useful web sites
About the authors.

Collana: Varie

Argomenti: Politiche e servizi sociali

Livello: Studi, ricerche

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