Humanism and Religion in the History of Economic Thought.

A cura di: Daniela Fernanda Parisi, Stefano Solari

Humanism and Religion in the History of Economic Thought.

Selected Papers from the 10th Aispe Conference

Humanism and religion have been two reference points for economists who expressed their perplexities on the conception of man and society adopted in mainstream economics. This volume contains a selection of twenty papers presented at the X conference of the Italian Association for the Study of Economic Thought. The theme of the conference was Humanism and Religion in the History of Economic Thought.

Pagine: 448

ISBN: 9788856823479

Edizione: 1a edizione 2010

Codice editore: 363.81

Disponibilità: Discreta

Pagine: 448

ISBN: 9788856826340

Edizione:1a edizione 2010

Codice editore: 363.81

Possibilità di stampa: No

Possibilità di copia: No

Possibilità di annotazione:

Formato: PDF con DRM per Digital Editions

Informazioni sugli e-book

This volume contains a selection of twenty papers presented at the X conference of the Italian Association for the Study of Economic Thought held in Treviso on March 27-29, 2008. The theme of the conference was Humanism and Religion in the History of Economic Thought.
Humanism and religion have been two reference points for economists who expressed their perplexities on the conception of man and society adopted in mainstream economics. The term Humanism has been introduced into economics to reaffirm the centrality of humankind in the economic system, endorsing Protagoras' "man is the measure" (and not money). Religion, on the other hand, poses the problem of recognizing "what is good" in human interaction according to moral laws (often at odds with material efficiency).
The essays are grouped in three sections. The first deals with the theorization of the economic agent in economics. Authors propose both general critical overviews and studies on specific schools of thought. The second section is centered on the Catholic perspective in economics. The papers in the second section discuss the evolution and the relevance of Catholic social thought and economic personalism as well as some specific authors: Lampertico, Toniolo and Menegazzi. Finally, the third section contains essays on a number of authors or schools which can be included in the humanistic category: from Marxist humanism to ethical liberalism, from Spengler to Perroux.

Daniela Parisi is Full Professor of History of Economic Thought at the Faculty of Economics, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore (Milan). She is interested in the relationships between religion and economics in the history of economic thought and in the connections between Italian and Northamerican economists in the XIX and XX centuries.
Stefano Solari is Associate Professor of Political Economy at the Faculty of Law and Department of Economics, University of Padua. His interests include practical science in economics, the history and methodology of economic analysis, the study of state-economy relationships and applied regional economics.
Daniela Parisi, Stefano Solari, Humanism and Religion in Political Economy: Introduction
Part I. The Economic Agent: Insights and Debates from the History of Economic Thought
John B. Davis, The individual in recent economics: internalist and externalist conceptions
Fabio Masini, Economics and Laicism. The struggle for a "humane discipline"
Maria Pia Paganelli, Approbation and the destre to better one's condition in Adam Smith: When the destre to better one's condition does not better one's condition and society's condition...
Óscar Vara Crespo, Jorge Turmo Arnal, Ángel Rodríguez García-Brazales, Humanism, Evolutionism and economics: the evolutionary agenda in the history economic thought
Cecilia Font de Villanueva, The School of Salamanca: some thoughts on the subject of justice
Luca Sandonà, Human capital theory: an antrhropological critique
Part II. The Catholic Perspective and Economic Analysis
António Almodovar, Pedro Teixeira, Is there a Catholic economic thought? Some answers from the past
Charles M.A. Clark, What can economists learn from Catholic social thought?
Edward J. O'Boyle, The origins of Personalist economics
Alfredo Sensales, The Catholic organicism of Fedele Lampertico
Fiorenza Manzalini, The distribution of wealth in Giuseppe Toniolo's thought
Stefano Zamberlan, The concept of democracy in Giuseppe Toniolo's thought
Cristina Nardi Spiller, The inseparable link between ethics and economics in Menegazzi's approach
Part III. Approaches to Humanism in the XX Century
Duccio Cavalieri, Economic science, Humanism and Religion. The philosophical anthropology of "La Rivista Trimestrale"
Alberto Giordano, Moral values and market economy: Liberalism and Humanism in Panfilo Gentile
Ilaria Pasotti, The Moral Foundations of the international crisis of the 1930s and 1940s: some reflections by Wilhelm Röpke
Giuseppe Privitera, Existential analytic and economic analysis in Menger, Robbins and Heidegger. Some considerations
Salvatore Drago, The "Sunset" of capitalism and new world order. Humanism and ethics in Oswald Spengler's economic thought
Francesca Gambarotto, Perroux's thought and the evaluation of the coûts de l'Homme
Pietro Frigato, The silent removal of the theory of social costs from current "old" institutional perspectives on the firm. Some reflections inspired by Kapp and Perroux.

Contributi: Antonio Almodovar, Duccio Cavalieri, Charles M.A. Clark, John Davis, Salvatore Drago, Cecilia Font de Villanueva, Pietro Frigato, Francesca Gambarotto, Angel Rodriguez Garcia-Brazales, Alberto Giordano, Fiorenza Manzalini, Fabio Masini, Cristina Nardi Spiller, Edward J. O'Boyle, Maria Pia Paganelli, Ilaria Pasotti, Giuseppe Privitera, Luca Sandonà, Alfredo Sensales, Pedro Teixeira, Jorge Turmo Arnal, Oscar Vara Crespo, Stefano Zamberlan

Collana: Economia - Teoria economica - Pensiero economico

Argomenti: Storia del pensiero economico

Livello: Studi, ricerche

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