Improving planning education in Europe

A cura di: Alex Fubini

Improving planning education in Europe

Pagine: 474

ISBN: 9788846449078

Edizione: 1a ristampa 2005, 1a edizione 2004

Codice editore: 365.262

Disponibilità: Buona

The book is a comprehensive record of a research funded by the European Union (European Commission, DG EAC, TNP). The research, developed within the AESOP framework by three working groups each one dealing with a facet of planning education, describes the changes taking place in planning research, in doctoral studies and in the profession, highlighting the interfaces between changes in the planning worlds and a wider context.

The project was co-ordinated by Alex Fubini and each working group had several contributors and a leader: Alessandro Balducci for Planning Research, Barrie Needham for Doctoral Studies, and Taner Oc for Education and Profession.

Work was carried out between 1997 and 2001. A Concluding Seminar was held in Turin in May 2002.

The introductory chapter, containing the general findings of the work as well as the Chart, drafted and discussed at the end of the research, is followed by two parts. Part one contains main results of the Turin seminar after a 4-year long and fruitful debate on the future of spatial planning education in Europe. Part two includes the whole collection of all the materials produced by a large number of contributors, representing all the European schools that participated to the project.

TNP Improving Planning Education in Europe is a Thematic Network Project established by AESOP in 1997, with the help of the EC, Directorate General for Education and Culture.

Alex Fubini teaches Territorial Planning at the Turin Polytechnic and is in charge of the PhD Course in Territorial Planning and Local Development. He has co-ordinated a number of EU research projects. He has been a member of AESOP since it was established.

Contributors : L. Albrechts, S. Asmervik, A. Balducci, M. Bazin, L. Bertolini, G. Cars, P.V.D. Correia, E. Gualini, P. Healey, E. Heer, J. Helge Lesj, M. Higgins, P. Knecht, L. Knuuti, C. Lefèvre, P. Loukissas, T. Markowski, S. Marvin, B. Needham, T. Oc, J. Pendlebury, O. Romice, M. Tasheva, V. Troeva, A.M. van Putten, P. van Wunnik, L.T. Vasconcelos, E. Vergneau, P.V. Virtanen, L.C. Wassenhoven, A.Weström.

The Content of the Book
Processes of change in the wider context
(What are the new challenges for planners in education; Planning as a metaphor of its time; Changes in academia and curricula: establishing common questions)
The Thematic Network Program
(Specific aims of the Working Groups; The working method of the research teams; Initial findings; A balance of the work done by the three groups; The meaning of the experience)
The Turin Charter
The Bologna Declaration
The Prague Declaration
Part 1. Results of the three working groups
The Concluding Seminar: Main Findings
SECTION A - Planning Research
(Planning research in European countries: a critical summary; Towards a European strategic framework for planning research; A proposal for a European strategic framework for planning research; References- Section A)
SECTION B - Doctoral Studies
(The Organisation of Doctoral Research; Achievements and results; Questions and issues left open; List of Keywords)
SECTION C - Education and professional practice
(Spatial Planning Education and the Needs of Professional Practice; The Research Project)
Part 2. Materials
Alessandro Balducci and Enrico Gualini, Planning Research Working Group
L. Albrechts, P. van Wunnik , The national system of planning research in Belgium
Vesselina Troeva, Milena Tasheva, The National System for Planning Research in Bulgaria
Liisa Knuuti, Planning Research in Finland
Christian Lefèvre, Planning Research in France
Louis C. Wassenhoven, Planning Research in Greece: A Preliminary Report
Enrico Gualini, Planning Research in Italy: Institutional Framework and Market Features
Luca Bertolini, The Dutch National System for Planning Research
Sigmund Asmervik, The National System for Planning Research in Norway
Tadeusz Markowski, The National System for Planning Research in Poland
Lia T. Vasconcelos, Planning Research in Portugal
Pedro Lamiquiz, The National System of Planning Research in Spain
Göran Cars, Anders Weström, Planning Research in Sweden: a General View
Pirmin Knecht, The Swiss National System for Planning Research
Simon Marvin, John Pendlebury, Planning Research in the United Kingdom
Barrie Needham, Working Group on Doctoral Studies
Taner Oc , Working Group on Education and Profession
Pekka V Virtanen, Finland
Marcel Bazin and Eustave Vergneau, France
Philippos Loukissas, Greece
Barrie Needham, The Netherlands
Aksel Hagen and Jon Helge Lesj, Norway
Tadeusz Markowski, Poland
Paulo V.D. Correia, Portugal
Ernst Heer, ORL, Switzerland
Marilyn Higgins, The United Kingdom
Appendix - List of Coordinators and Contributors
List of participants to the final Turin meeting

Contributi: Sigmund Asmervik, Alessandro Balducci, Marcel Bazin, Luca Bertolini, Paulo V. D. Correia, Cars Goran, Enrico Gualini, Aksel Hagen, Ernst Heer, Marilyn Higgins, Pirmin Knecht, Liisa Knuuti, Pedro Lamiquiz, Christian Lefèvre, Philippos Loukissas, Tadeusz Markowski, Simon Marvin, Barrie Needham, Taner Oc, John Pendlebury, Milena Tasheva, Vesselina Troeva, Lia T. Vasconcelos, Eustave Vergneau, Pekka V Virtanen, Louis C. Wassenhoven, Anders Westrom

Collana: Economia - Ricerche

Argomenti: Urbanistica e pianificazione territoriale - Economie locali, economia regionale

Livello: Studi, ricerche

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