
A cura di: Maria Grazia Dongu, Luisanna Fodde, Fiorenzo Iuliano, Claudia Cao


Intermixing Genres, Languages and Texts

The concept of intertextuality, born out of post-structuralist studies, has proven useful in defining the genesis of many works. Each text is always an intertext. As such, it reproduces, transforms, connects, or subverts other texts. The essays which are collected here describe intertextual exchanges which are constitutive of literary masterpieces, posters, and murals.

Pages: 328

ISBN: 9788835120308

Edition: 1a edizione 2021

Publisher code: 1116.31

Availability: Discreta

Pages: 328

ISBN: 9788835130987

Edizione:1a edizione 2021

Publisher code: 1116.31

Can print: No

Can Copy: No

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Format: PDF con DRM for Digital Editions

Info about e-books

Pages: 328

ISBN: 9788835130994

Edizione:1a edizione 2021

Publisher code: 1116.31

Can print: No

Can Copy: No

Can annotate:

Format: ePub con DRM for Digital Editions

Info about e-books

The concept of intertextuality, born out of post-structuralist studies, has proven useful in defining the genesis of many works. Each text is always an intertext. As such, it reproduces, transforms, connects, or subverts other texts.
The essays which are collected here describe intertextual exchanges which are constitutive of literary masterpieces, posters, and murals.
These exchanges relate memories and present events, diverse ideologies, words and images, working together to create new meanings, remoulding and associating quotations from the known texts. They exalt the role of the reader as the interpreter and the creator of the text as much as is the writer. For this reason, intertextuality also suggests didactic strategies, which locate students at the centre of learning activities.

A. Cadoni, C. Cao, O. Denti, M. Domenichelli, M.G. Dongu, J. Douthwaite, L. Fodde, E. Fois, M. Giordano, F. Iuliano, I. Ledda, E. Mariani, M.A. Marongiu, G. Mazzon, G. Milia, A. Piga, A. Pisci, I.E. Putzu, D.F. Virdis.

Maria Grazia Dongu is an Associate Professor of English Literature at the University of Cagliari. Her main research fields are Early Modern Theatre, Travel Literature and Life Writing.

Luisanna Fodde is a Full Professor of English Language at the University of Cagliari. She has written on American, Afro-American English, Spanglish and Global English.

Fiorenzo Iuliano teaches American Literature at the University of Cagliari. He has published on US modernism, US literature and culture of the late-20th century, and literary theory.

Claudia Cao is a contract lecturer of English Literature at the University of Cagliari. She has written on rewritings and family novels.

Ai lettori
Ignazio Efisio Putzu, Premessa. Sul concetto di intertestualità
Intertextuality in literary texts
Gabriella Mazzon, Genre cohesion in Middle English romances: a linguistic analysis
Maria Grazia Dongu,
Blending past and present: uses of the words of the dead in Roper's Life of Thomas More Knight
Ivana Ledda,
"In the female as in the male". Intertextuality as a translational device in the Quaker semiosphere
Mario Domenichelli,
L'Histoire du chevalier des Grieux et de Manon Lescaut as a three-centuries-long European inter-text
Luisanna Fodde, Alessio Pisci,
The Underground Pride: A Road Map to the Grammar of Freedom
Claudia Cao,
Revising the family novel: A cross-reading of Rebecca West's Aubrey trilogy and Virginia Woolf's The Years
John Douthwaite,
Intertextuality in Crime Fiction
Enrico Mariani,
Narrating Outside One's Own Ethnic Descent: Steinbeck's Tortilla Flat and J. Fante's Filipino Novel
Anna Cadoni,
In & Out of the Steel Mill: The Working Class in Lynn Nottage's Sweat
From Intertextuality to Intermediality
Eleonora Fois, "A Good Day to Bury Bad News": Intertextuality in News Translation
Michela Giordano, Maria Antonietta Marongiu,
Be a hero! Cough like Batman: "inescapable intertextuality" in Covid-19 advertisements, cartoons, memes and songs
Antonio Piga,
Pictures into Words: Reading Intertextuality and Multimodality in Sardinia's Open-air Museum of Mural Art
Olga Denti,
Covid-19 crisis management in newspaper articles: interdiscursivity issues
Intertextuality in the class
Fiorenzo Iuliano, Fiddlers in the class: scattered notes on teaching Jewish American literature
Gabriella Milia, Daniela Francesca Virdis,
Intertestualità e sostenibilità: l'insegnamento dell'azione per il clima e degli obiettivi di sviluppo sostenibile.

Contributors: Anna Cadoni, Olga Denti, Mario Domenichelli, John Douthwaite, Eleonora Fois, Michela Giordano, Ivana Ledda, Enrico Mariani, Maria Antonietta Marongiu, Gabriella Mazzon, Gabriella Milia, Antonio Piga, Alessio Pisci, Ignazio Putzu, Daniela Francesca Virdis

Serie: Metodi e prospettive. Studi di Linguistica, Filologia, Letteratura

Subjects: Linguistics

Level: Scholarly Research

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