Learning Aspect in Italian L2.

Fabiana Rosi

Learning Aspect in Italian L2.

Corpus annotation, acquisitional patterns, and connectionist modelling

Within acquisitional studies, the learning of Aspect represents one of the most intriguing and debated issues. The present book provides an overview of this long tradition of research and addresses the emergence of Aspect in Italian L2 using corpus compilation and annotation, data analysis and computational simulations.

Pagine: 240

ISBN: 9788856806991

Edizione: 1a edizione 2009

Codice editore: 1095.64

Disponibilità: Discreta

Pagine: 240

ISBN: 9788856808452

Edizione:1a edizione 2009

Codice editore: 1095.64

Possibilità di stampa: No

Possibilità di copia: No

Possibilità di annotazione:

Formato: PDF con DRM per Digital Editions

Informazioni sugli e-book

Within acquisitional studies, the learning of Aspect represents one of the most intriguing and debated issues. The present book provides an overview of this long tradition of research and addresses the emergence of Aspect in Italian L2 using corpus compilation and annotation, data analysis and computational simulations. Given the increasing interest in annotated language resources, a specific schema is proposed for the annotation of contextual information connected with the aspectual features of predicates in a learner corpus.
The qualitative and quantitative analyses focus on the interplay between Aspect, Actionality and Grounding in longitudinal Italian L2 data elicited from Spanish-speaking and German-speaking learners, in order to gain insight into the role of L1 and of factors such as saliency and frequency in acquisitional patterns. Moreover, learner development is compared with results of experiments carried out by unsupervised neural networks, which offer an innovative device to model the learning processes and the internal dynamics of linguistic systems. The convergence between computational simulations and learners patterns gives evidence for the cooperation between data-driven mechanisms and cognitive principles in such a complex process as second language acquisition.
This book, accompanied by a summary in Italian, will be of interest to applied linguists, researchers in second language acquisition, learner corpora and computational linguistics.

Fabiana Rosi graduated in Classical Languages at the University of Pisa and obtained a Ph.D in Linguistics at the University of Pavia. She has given talks at national and international conferences and published papers in journals and volumes. She has experience teaching Linguistics and Italian as L2. Her main research interests concern Second Language Acquisition, Language Teaching, Corpus Linguistics, Computational Linguistics, and Cognitive Science.

(Goals of the study; Innovative issues; Structure of the book)
Theoretical background
(The category of Aspect; The category of Actionality; The interplay between Aspect and Actionality; The category of Grounding; A comparison of the Italian, German, and Spanish verb system; The acquisition of Aspect)
The corpus
(Participants; Task and procedure; Compilation of the corpus)
The annotation
(Learn corpora; Annotation of contextual features; The annotation of Aspect; Not target-like forms)
The data
(The aspectual contrast between perfective and imperfective past; The acquisition of Imperfectivity; The emergence of Actionality; Further verbal features)
(Developmental hypotheses; The role of L1; Cognitive principles; Is Actionality a category to acquire in L2?; The role of frequency)
Computational simulations
(Neural networks; The simulation of L1 acquisition of Aspect through SOMs; The application of SOMs to L2 acquisition of Aspect; Simulation outcomes; Acquisitional pattern of SOMs and human learners)
Concluding remarks and future research perspectives
(The annotation; Learners' strategies; Computational simulations and further perspectives)
(An example of the annotation of the corpus; Distribution of verb forms; The verbs used as input for the computational simulations)

Collana: Materiali linguistici

Argomenti: Linguistica

Livello: Studi, ricerche

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