Men and Women Equal Opportunities: A Goal Achieved? A General overwiew from a Legal and Cultural Stand-point

Ada Grecchi

Men and Women Equal Opportunities: A Goal Achieved? A General overwiew from a Legal and Cultural Stand-point

Pagine: 192

ISBN: 9788820495534

Edizione: 1a edizione 1996

Codice editore: 1046.13

Disponibilità: Nulla

The awareness that only by joining women's abilities with men's abilities, those synergies will be produced that are necessary for the economic and social progress of every Country, represents the main reason that induced me to deem it useful to work out an analysis of women's working world in Europe and, in particular, in Italy. To such purpose, I tried to give an order to and gather the principal regulatory sources of women's work (ltalian, EC and international laws, contributions by doctrine and case law, investigations and statistical surveys, reports of conferences), adding to the work of a legal type some comments of historical nature and about customs.

From the picture drawn, a certain undervaluation of those that are women's abilities and potentials hos appeared; however, I am convinced that, for achieving the goal of equal opportunities, no additional laws are necessary in European Countries, but rather an operation of cultural reception of the current provisions of law. This book wishes to be a contribution towards a change in the present culture and an additional step forward towards a goal that has not yet been achieved, buf that can, undoubtedly, be achieved.

Ada Grecchi, born in Milan, lawyer, Deputy Central Personnel Manager within ENEL (ltalian Electric Power Authority), for three years Deputy President of the Commission for equal opportunities at the Italian Presidency of the Council of Ministers. Presently, member of the Committee for equal opportunities at the Italian Ministery of Labour and Social Affairs. She is fulfilling several appointments in the international field: Vice Chairman of the Social Affairs Committee of CEEP (European Centre of Enterprises with State Participation), member of CEEP Executive Council in Italy. Member of the Consultative Committee of the European Training Foundation (ETF), she has been for two years Vice President of EWMD (European Women's Management Development).

Labour "Magister", Marisa Bellisario prize award in 1995.

1. Women's Presence in the Present Socio-economic Reality
Women's Presence in the Labour Market of the European Union
Women's Presence in the Italian Labour Market
Before and after Work: Female Students and Retired Women
2. The Change in the Social and Economic Role of Women, in the Course of this Century, in the Italian Legislation, with Short Refcrences to the European Scene
1 Italian Laws from the Beginning of this Century to 1922
Italian Laws During Fascist Time
Italian Constitution and Women's Work
Italian Post-Constitutional Legislation
The Reforms of the Seventies in Europe
The Eighties: from Equality to Equal Opportunities
3. The Present Discipline of Women 's Work: Equal Treatment in the Various Stages of the Work Relation
1 Access to Work
Assignment of Duties and Qualifcations and Professional Progress
Working Hours
Protection of Maternity in Italy, and Short Notes about the European Scene
Termination of the Work Relation, According to the Italian Laws
Social Security Rights in the Italian System

4. Instruments, Equality Bodies and Business Strategies for Giving Attention to and Enhancing Women 's Work
Affirmative Actions
Equality Bodies in Europe, with Particular Reference to the Italian Reality
Examples of Business Strategies, for Giving Attention to and Enhancing of Women's Work, Implemented in Italy
5. Legal Protcction ofEqual Opportunities Under the Italian Systcm
Legal Proceedings
The Reversal of the Burden of the Proof
Sanctioning System
6. The Importance of the "Resource Represented by Women" in the Economic and Social Development
The Role of Women in the Economic and Social Development
International Interventions and Future Perspectives

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