Observations on urban growth

A cura di: Giuseppe Strappa

Observations on urban growth

This book compares a number of essays on urban growth that examine case studies located in various different geographic areas. It is not just a comparison of urban samples. What interests the editor is to compare interpretational models derived from experience that come under the umbrella of urban morphology, developed in different cultural contexts that nevertheless share the conviction that the form of a city, even in its most seemingly chaotic incarnations, can be interpreted rationally and contains the seeds of future change.

Pagine: 216

ISBN: 9788891761873

Edizione: 1a edizione 2018

Codice editore: 1098.2.48

Disponibilità: Discreta

Pagine: 216

ISBN: 9788891767332

Edizione:1a edizione 2018

Codice editore: 1098.2.48

Possibilità di stampa: No

Possibilità di copia: No

Possibilità di annotazione:

Formato: PDF con DRM per Digital Editions

Informazioni sugli e-book

Pagine: 216

ISBN: 9788891767714

Edizione:1a edizione 2018

Codice editore: 1098.2.48

Possibilità di stampa: No

Possibilità di copia: No

Possibilità di annotazione:

Formato: ePub con DRM per Digital Editions

Informazioni sugli e-book

"Often disorder, if observed methodically, contains its own explanation."

The reading of the changes underway at the edges of contemporary cities is one of the most difficult subjects to tackle methodically.
Proof of this is the descriptive literature produced on the topic.
The obvious obstacle is that the forms in which expansion takes place continuously evolve in time and space.
The Conzenian school offered a clear interpretation of these phenomena, attempting to generalise instances of interpretation developed for individual cities.
In the wake of Saverio Muratori teachings, Caniggian school too provided us with a theoretical model of the forms of urban expansion.
More recently other concepts emerged, as the rural-urban fringe (R-U fringe), understood to mean the transitional zone that, in Western cities, indicates a discontinuous territory and a contradictory landscape on the border between city and countryside.
This book compares and contrasts a number of essays on urban expansion that examine case studies located in various different geographic areas: from Europe to Asia, from North to South America.
What interests the editor is to compare interpretational models derived from experience that come under the umbrella of Urban Morphology, developed in different cultural contexts that nevertheless share the conviction that the form of a city, even in its most seemingly chaotic incarnations, can be interpreted rationally and contains the seeds of future change.

Giuseppe Strappa is an architect and full professor in Architectural and Urban Design, director of PhD School of Architecture and Construction and Lpa Reading and Design Laboratory of the Sapienza University of Rome. He is also carrying on research on the fields of urban morphology and cities transformations.

Giuseppe Strappa, Presentation. The form of expanding cities
Metropolis in transformation
Staël de Alvarenga Pereira Costa, Karina Machado de Castro Simão, A study of fringe belts in Belo Horizonte, Brazil: a contribution to developments in urban morphology
Anna Rita Donatella Amato,
The contemporary metropolis growing. The case-study of Buenos Aires
Paolo Carlotti,
Urban densification, vertical growth and fringe in American cities
Anna Irene Del Monaco,
Guangzhou-Foshan Metropolitan Area. An adaptive notion of urban fringe belt for the continuing Chinese city
The growth of traditional cities
Daan Lammers, Ana Pereira Roders, Pieter van Wesemael, Post-industrial Eindhoven and its radial fringe belt: A morphology of contemporary urban growth
Matteo Ieva,
Conquest of organicity within the Liège's 19th-20 th century serial-linear tissues
Marco Maretto,
From urban nodalities to urban fringe belts. The case-study of Krakow
Tolga Ünlü,
Urban growth of Turkish cities
Nicola Marzot,
The Hybrid, the Network City and the Territory "elsewhere". The contemporary "fringe" condition in north European urban phenomena.

Contributi: Anna Rita Donatella Amato, Paolo Carlotti, Stael de Alvarenga Pereira Costa, Karina Machado de Castro Simao, Anna Irene Del Monaco, Matteo Ieva, Daan Lammers, Marco Maretto, Nicola Marzot, Ana Pereira Roders, Tolga Unlu, Pieter van Wesemael

Collana: Nuova Serie di Architettura

Argomenti: Progettazione architettonica e urbana

Livello: Studi, ricerche

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