Operations research for patient - centered health care delivery.

Angela Testi, Elena Tanfani, Enrico Ivaldi, Giuliana Carello, Roberto Aringhieri, Vito Fragnelli

Operations research for patient - centered health care delivery.

Proceedings of the XXXVI International ORAHS Conference

The book presents a selection of the 115 papers presented at ORAHS2010 by participant researchers coming from 23 countries. Following the feature point of ORAHS, the book focuses on application to concrete situations. In particular, it addresses health policies, operating theatre planning and design, home-care modelling, logistics in health care, capacity planning, what-if and simulation analysis.

Pagine: 432

ISBN: 9788856825954

Edizione: 1a edizione 2010

Codice editore: 365.807

Disponibilità: Discreta

Pagine: 432

ISBN: 9788856828467

Edizione:1a edizione 2010

Codice editore: 365.807

Possibilità di stampa: No

Possibilità di copia: No

Possibilità di annotazione:

Formato: PDF con DRM per Digital Editions

Informazioni sugli e-book

The most difficult part of making decisions in the health care field on all levels (national, regional, institutional, patient) is linked to the very complexity of the system itself, to the intrinsic uncertainty involved and its dynamic nature. This requires not only the ability to analyze and interpret a large amount of information but also arrange it so that it becomes a cognitive base for appropriate decisionmaking. Operations research, like other methods of statistical and economic-related quantitative analysis, supplies these decisions making tools and methodology. Decisions in the health care field are subjected to many challenges and constraints: fast change and uncertain outcomes, aging population, increasing citizen expectations, equity considerations and limited resources.

The XXXVI ORAHS Conference, held at the University of Genoa in 2010, offers an innovative point of view in answering these questions, the patient one. Much of the present user dissatisfaction regarding healthcare services comes from the discrepancy in the people's needs and the system's answers. While the user has a broad formulated question, the system's answer is fragmented. The book presents a selection of the 115 papers presented at ORAHS2010 by participant researchers coming from 23 countries. Following the feature point of ORAHS, the book focuses on application to concrete situations. In particular, it addresses health policies, operating theatre planning and design, home-care modelling, logistics in health care, capacity planning, what-if and simulation analysis.

Epidemiology and disease modelling
(Optimal control applied to a discrete influenza model; Self-adaptive case based reasoning for dose planning in radiotherapy; A deterministic model to assess the impact of circumcision and other interventions against HIV/AIDS in Botswana)
Health policy issues
(Where is the profit in rare diseases research?; Funding long term care; Health care in Italy: expenditure determinants and regional differentials)
Planning health services
(Development of a personalized health decision support system; Models as artefacts: observations of sd model-building in parallel national and local projects; A metamodeling approach to healthcare system management; Identification and analysis of patient discharge process in a regional hospital; Predicting future capacity needs for health and social care service at strategic and tactical levels; Simulation project for an ear-nose-throat clinic)
Emergency medical services
(Single and multi-group evacuation in medium and maxi health-care emergencies; A new maximum reliability model for locating and dispatching ambulances; Modelling activity and costs of health emergency department; Relocating ambulance at the end of rescue missions; Forecasting Welsh ambulance demand using singular spectrum analysis)
Home care and nursing homes
(A literature review on operations management based models developed for ome health care services; Patient-centered care and efficiency in nursing homes; Application of semi-Markov processes in modelling patient duration of stay in a home care service; Assessing nursing home costs: a patient-centered perspective)
Logistics for health care
(Integrated vehicle routing and rostering for the home health care services; Optimal design of hospital drug distribution networks; Simulation of multiple views of medicine distribution in a navy hospital pharmacy)
Scheduling health care operations
(A tabu search approach for joint operating room assignment and scheduling; A rollout algorithmic approach for complex parallel machine scheduling in healthcare operations; Week hospital inpatient flow management; Towards an optimal mix in planning and scheduling of operating theatres; Application of generic algorithms on optimizing appointment scheduling in specialist outpatient clinics)
Quality and appropriateness
(SurgiQ, waiting list management made easy; The assessment of hospital staff satisfaction; Job satisfaction among social workers in the Marche region of Italy; The patient needs and the answer of general practitioner: the Italian citizens experience).

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