Philosophical Essays on Language, Ontology and Science

A cura di: Gaetano Licata, Luciano Sesta

Philosophical Essays on Language, Ontology and Science

This book, which mixes analytical and continental styles of thought, collects essays on the complex relation between science, language and ontology, written by scholars experienced in different fields of philosophical research: philosophy of science, philosophy of language, logic, ethics and philosophy of mind.

Pagine: 172

ISBN: 9788820458447

Edizione: 1a ristampa 2015, 1a edizione 2013

Codice editore: 490.106

Disponibilità: Discreta

How to interpret in philosophy the common but enigmatic relation between knowledge, ontology and semantics?
The "linguistic turn" in philosophy, the birth of philosophy of science and of philosophy of language, from the beginning of twentieth century until today, have given new energies to such a debate in western thinking, but this question is much more ancient. From a certain point of view, Aristotle's ontology, in continuity with Platonic thought, is wholly a semantic ontology: in a systematic and pervasive way Aristotle researches the structures of the world - of the being - and of knowledge employing the structures of language. In this way the philosophical reflection on nature and on human being becomes the reflection on how language works and on how language organizes knowledge.
This book, which mixes analytical and continental styles of thought, collects essays on the complex relation between science, language and ontology, written by scholars experienced in different fields of philosophical research: philosophy of science, philosophy of language, logic, ethics and philosophy of mind.

Gaetano Licata (1974) is Senior Lecturer of Logic and Philosophy of Science at University of Palermo (Italy). He is author of numerous essays on logic, language and theory of knowledge. He has published four books: Teoria platonica del linguaggio. Prospettive sul concetto di verità (2007), L'ordine nascosto. Natura e armonia all'origine del pensiero filosofico e scientifico (2007), Precision and Uncertainty. Fuzzy Logic in clinical Diagnosis (2007), Truth and Facts. Rejection of the Slingshot Argument in Defence of the Correspondence Theory of Truth (2011).
Luciano Sesta (1974) is Fellow Research of Moral Philosophy at University of Palermo (Italy). He has published numerous essays on moral philosophy, bioethics and subjects between ontology and theology. He has written four books: La legge dell'altro. La fondazione dell'etica in Kant e Levinas (2005), L'origine controversa. Un'indagine sulla fecondazione in vitro (2009), Il Dio esitante. Percorsi di ontologia del limite (2010), Ars curandi. Prospettive di filosofia della medicina (2011).

(Franco Lo Piparo, Why Human Ontology is Language-dependent; Giuseppe Nicolaci, "What is it" or "What does it mean"?)
(Gaetano Licata, Ontology and Semantics: an Aristotelian Inspiration; Luciano Sesta, Ontology and Semantics between Coherentism and Realism)
Marco Buzzoni,
New Experimentalism and Ontological Status of Theoretical Terms
Georgia Zeami,
Ontology or Semantics? An Heideggerian Response
Massimo Panzarella, Ontology in Game Theoretical Semantics
Gaetano Licata,
Many-valued Logics and Quantum Mechanics
Luciano Sesta,
The "Is-Ought Question" and the Needy Newborn Child in the Neo-Aristotelian Perspective of Hans Jonas
Giuseppe Vicari,
The Group Mind Hypothesis between Social Ontology and Philosophy of Mind: Some Critical Notes.

Contributi: Marco Buzzoni, Franco Lo Piparo, Giuseppe Nicolaci, Massimo Panzarella, Giuseppe Vicari, Giorgia Zeami

Collana: Epistemologia

Argomenti: Epistemologia

Livello: Textbook, strumenti didattici

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