Reinventing Governance through Ict and Public Communication

Giorgio Pacifici, Pieraugusto Pozzi, Alessandro Rovinetti

Reinventing Governance through Ict and Public Communication

Pagine: 144

ISBN: 9788846482433

Edizione: 1a edizione 2006

Codice editore: 571.5.1

Disponibilità: Discreta

The eGovernment i2010 initiative and the White Paper on a European Communication policy testify that the European dimension is more and more important considering the modernization and innovation issues of the Public Administrations. Taking into account other international available researches, FEACP (European Federation of Public Communication Associations) and FTI (Forum per la Tecnologia dell'Informazione) have agreed to set up a "European Observatory on eGovernance" aimed at analyzing scenarios about eGovernment, eDemocracy and Public Communication, considered as constituent parts of an effective, efficient and participatory eGovernance. This Report, addressed to the European Institutions and Administrations, to the business community, to the public opinion, is the first issue of the Observatory, whose results will be yearly presented at COM.PA. Exhibition.

The Report findings could contribute to new common thinking among the policy makers, operators and the academia for further exploration and could suggest the European and national institutions to agree about new approaches, ensuring that ICT technologies become an effective tool in building an inclusive society for all. (Josep Borrell Fontelles, President of the European Parliament)

This First European Report is an extraordinary effort that FEACP and FTI have implemented: the idea to establish a European Observatory on eGovernance and Public Communication fully meets the need to identify their connections, rarely analyzed in an integrated manner till now. (Luigi Nicolais, Minister for Reform and Innovation in the Public Administration)

Giorgio Pacifici, sociologist, president of FTI, deals with the social change in the eSociety. Technology Advisor of Public Administrations and director of research departments, he has held professorship in European and American universities.
Pieraugusto Pozzi, electronic engineer, director of FTI, has been dealing with R&D activities about eCommerce, eGovernment, digital payment systems, ICT security. He is professor of digital economy at the Perugia University.
Alessandro Rovinetti, journalist, is professor of public communication theory and techniques in Bologna, Urbino and Naples University. He is secretary general of FEACP and of Associazione per la Comunicazione Pubblica.

Josep Borrell Fontelles, Introduction
Luigi Nicolais, Introduction
Reinventing Governance through ICT and Public Communication - Executie Summary
Good governance, eSociety, eGovernance
(The good governance calls for eGovernance; Featuring eGovernance; The eGovernment rationale: a process to teinvent Government; The eGovernment objectives; Stages of e Government; How ICTs support eGovernment; The eDemocracy rationale: strengthening democracy; The Public Communication rationale: communicate good governance; eGovernance monitoring and evaluation; Potential challenges to eGovernance)
The eGovernment European Policies
(Milestones of information society development in Europe: the EC White Book, the Lisbon strategy, eEurope, i2010; The eGovernment objective framed in the eEurope Action Plans; i2010 eGovernment Action Plan; eGovernment and eDemocracy projects in the European R&D Framework Programs; IDABC Program; eGovernment Good Practice Framework; The Public Sector Information activities)
eGovernment technical and organizational building blocks
(eGovernment organizational framework; Interoperability frameworks; Prioritizing eGovernment applications; Prevision of shared services and infrastructure; Public-private partnership; Open source software; mGovernment; tGovernment; eGov case histories all over the world)
eGovernment monitoring
(The United Nations M&E eGovernment projects approach; The European eGovernment benchmarking; M&E the eGovernment demanded; What users really want from online public services; eDemocracy monitoring and evaluation; The evolutionary path of eGovernment; eGovernment barriers)
The European initiatives in the Public Communication domain
(From the White Paper on Governance to the White Paper on a European Communication Policy; Action Plan to improve communicating Europe by the Commission; Plan-D for Democracy, Dialogue and Debate; White Paper on a European communication policy; Green Paper on European Transparency Initiatives; Current specific Public communication initiatives)
eGovernance statistical data
(World data about eGovernment in Europe; World data about eDemocracy)
Analytical Index.

Contributi: Josep Borrell Fontelles, Luigi Nicolais

Collana: FTI - Forum per la tecnologia dell'informazione

Argomenti: Economia e gestione aziendale

Livello: Studi, ricerche

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