Resettlement and Rural Development in Ethiopia

A cura di: Paolo Dieci, Claudio Viezzoli

Resettlement and Rural Development in Ethiopia

Social and Economic Research, Training and Technical Assistance in the Bales Valley

Pagine: 432

ISBN: 9788820472603

Edizione: 1a edizione 1992

Codice editore: 1136.3

Disponibilità: Fuori catalogo

Ethiopia, a country with a long and uninterrupted history, comprising diverse ethnic groups, languages and cultures, will continue to attract the attention of scholars in both the social sciences and the natural sciences. Linguistically and ethnically the country is "a museum of peoples and cultures" which, when adequately investigated, will contribute greatly towards our knowledge of the languages and peoples of the Horn of Africa. There is complete unanimity among people in various walks of life in general, and researchers in particular, that the problems of the peace, security and development of the Horn of Africa must be thoroughly examined and investigated. In order to do this it is vitally important to understand and fully appreciate the complex and interrelated geopolitical problems of the area generally, and the individual states that comprise it, particularly. The inescapable conclusion is therefore that intensive multi-disciplinary research must be launched urgently. This book, based on the results of implementation and research activities carried out in the Beles Valley, can be included in the framework of recent trends of Ethiopian studies.

Paolo Dieci, expert in planning and implementing development programmes, is the General Secretary of CISP. He took part in the feasibility mission for the CISP Project in the Beles Valley on behalf of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the spring of 1986; he was in charge of the CISP Programme in Ethiopia from October 1986 to December 1988, and since 1989 he has been managing the Programme from Italy carrying out frequent field missions. His main publications include: "@ Programme of Information in Italian Schools Concerning Health and the Implementation of Primary Health Care in Somalia", in Proceedings of the Third International Congress of Somali Studies, 11 Pensiero Scientifico Editore, 1988; Chronicles of Italian Colonialism. The Horn of Africa (in It.), Edizioni Associate, 1991.

Claudio Viezzoli, an economist, has been working for the past seven years on economic development issues and the effects of structural adjustment policies in the LDCS, publishing a number of papers and articles on the subject. These include: "Contradictions in Rural Development. The Case of the Tana Beles Project in Ethiopia" (in It.), in La Questione Agraria, No. 32, 1988; "Real Exchange Rate Determination in LDCS: Analytical and Methodological Issues" (in It.), in Economia, Società e Istituzioni, Year II/No. 3, Sep.-Dec. 1990. He has also conducted research at the Commission of the European Communities as an expert on Eastern European countries and the Soviet Union, and as a member of the Management Unit of the "Services and Structures for Internationalising Italian Industries" project of the Italian National Research Council.

List of tables
List of figures
Editors' preface
Introduction: Analysis of Ethiopia's economic performance
in the period 1960-90, Claudio Viezzoli
I. Problems of resettlement programmes. The case of Bele
Valley: Agriculture, off-farm activities, and education
1. An overview of settlement policies and programs, A. S. Oberai
1. Achievement of settlement objectives
2. Problems confronting settlement programs
3. Factors affecting success or failure of land settlement
4. Land settlement programs and other policy options
5. Conclusions
2. The need for a grass-roots approach: The CISP development project in the Beles area, Paolo Dieci and Vittorio Roscio
1. the situation in the Beles area at the time the CISP
multisectoral programme was designed
2. Goals of the CISP Multisectoral Programme
3. Factors in the identification of development ideas in
the Beles Valley
3. Transformation of Ethiopia's agriculture - A policy in crisis or the crisis of policy?, Mulugetta Bezzabeh
1. Introduction
2. Theoretical consideration - Agrarian transformation in a backward economy
3. Resources for development
4. Transforming agriculture: The process
5. Policy in crisis or the crisis of policy? Some conclusions
4. Scenarios of economic development in the Beles Valley, Claudio Viezzoli
1. Introduction
2. Ethiopia's agrarian policy
3. Resettlement programmes in Ethiopia
4. The 'Tana Beles Resettlement Project' and the "tana Beles Project"
5. Rural development in the Beles Valley: some inconsistencies
6. Conclusions
5. The planning of home gardening activities in the Beles Valley resettlement villages, Paolo Dieci and Wolde Selassie Abbute
1. Introduction
2. Ale development of home gardens
3. Home garden survey
4. Future planning and conclusions
6. Home gardening in the Beles Resettlement Area, Gojjam Region, Mariarita Capirci and Siria Taurelli
1. Introduction
2. Home gardens and produce use
3. Concluding remarks
7. Utilization of horticultural products in the Beles Valley resettlement villages, Agdaw Asfaw and Wolde Selassie Abbute
1. Introduction
2. Analysis and interpretation
3. Conclusion
8. Small-scale agriculture: assessment of the CISP project strategies and activities, Massimo Tomaselli
1. Introduction
2.The sample
3. General data on the home gardens
4. The data
5. Assessment of acreages actually cultivated
6. Conclusions
B. Small-scale manufacturing and handicraft activities
9. History of Ethiopian handicrafts and handicraft workers, Richard Pankhurst
1. Introduction
2. The Medieval period
3. The Gondar period
4. The Nineteenth Century
5. Conclusions
10. Local handicrafts in the framework of the development of the Beles Valley, Paolo Dieci
1. General contents of the training programme for developing handicraft in the Beles area
2. General features of the craftsmen living in the area
3. Expectations of the craftsmen in the Beles area
4. Possible ways of developing handicraft work in the Beles Valley
11. Potters between adaptation and survival in the Beles Resettlement Area (Ethiopia), Stefano Berterame and Loredana Magni
1. The social impact of resettlement and adaptation strategies
2. Social, cultural and environmental characteristics of the Beles Resettlement Area
3. Ale handicraft economy and the social, cultural and productive characteristics of the potters in the Beles Valley
4. Innovation, adaptation and survival among the potters
5. Conclusion
12. Production of pottery in the development of the Beles
Valley, Adriano Leverone
1. Introduction
2. Ale programme contents
3. The production process from raw material to the end product
4. Pottery among the Gumuz
C. Education and child-care activities
13. Pre-school education and priests' schools in Pawe Resettlement Area, Francesca Agneta and Massimo Tommasoli
1. Resettlement, education and adaptation to a new environment
2. A traditional educational institution: the yeqes temhert bet (priests' school)
3. A formal educational institution: the kindergarten
4. The preschool educational system in the Beles Valley
5. Concluding remarks
14. The effects of CISP childcare programme in the Beles Valley resettlement area, Graziella Lodetti and Edoardo Pelamatti
1. Introduction
2. Effects of the 1987-88 kindergarten, programme on the children who joined the elementary schools
3. Opinion of kindergarten children's families on the activities taking place under the childcare programme
4. Concluding remarks
15. Pre-school activities and health education in the Beles Resettlement Area, Rosa D Arca
1. Introduction
2. Social and health conditions of the resettled people in the Beles Valley
3. Pre-school activities and health education
4. Health promotion initiatives in Beles kindergartens
5. Children's families and village communities
6. Role of the local teachers
7. Conclusions and recommendations
II. Future prospects and hand-over strategies for
the Beles Valley
16. The cornerstones of development: training, private cooperatives, marketing strategies, and handing-over, Paolo Antonioli
1. Introduction
2. Ale results obtained in the first four years
3. Needs for the future
4. "The settlers" reactions to the Project
5. The development of horticultural activities: problems and prospects
6. Setting up cooperatives
7. Conclusion
17. Conclusions, Paolo Dieci
1. Foreword
2. Problem areas for the definition of development strategies in Ethiopia
3. Ale main features of the multi-sectoral programme implemented by CISP in the Beles Valley
Appendix. First ongoing plan of work in the agricultural sector under the CISP Multisectoral Programme in Beles, drawn up in January 1987. Vittotio Baldioli

Contributi: Selasside Abbute Wolde, Francesca Agneta, Paolo Antonioli, Agdaw Asfaw, Vittorio Baldioli, Stefano Berterame, Mulugetta Bezzabeh, Mariarita Capirci, Rosa D'Arca, Adriano Leverone, Graziella Lodetti, Loredana Magni, A. S. Oberai, Richard Pankhurst, Edoardo Pelematti, Vittorio Roscio, Siria Taurelli, Massimo Tomaselli, Massimo Tommasoli

Collana: Politica - Studi

Argomenti: Economia europea e internazionale - Economia agro-alimentare

Livello: Studi, ricerche

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