Restructuring and Strategic Change in the Oil Industry

Robert M. Grant

Restructuring and Strategic Change in the Oil Industry

Pagine: 400

ISBN: 9788820476939

Edizione: 1a edizione 1993

Codice editore: 1021.100

Disponibilità: Limitata

This study examines strategic and organizational adjustment to an era of turbolence and competition by some of the world's 25 largest oil companies.

The changing business environment of the industry is described, most notably the fluctuations in oil prices from $ 10 to over $ 40 a barrel, and increasing internationalization which transformed the competitive structure of the industry.

A key feature of companies' adjustements to these changed conditions was corporate restructuring, periods of concentrated strategic and organizational transformation usually stimulated by declining profitability.The processes of strategic and structural change which are described and analyzed are of broader relevance.

The primary issues facing managers during past decade have been the need to adjust to uncertainty, instability and intense competition. The phenomena described in this study are all contemporary management themes which have been widely adopted.

• introduzione, Renato Cibin

• Foreword


• The External Environment
* The New Reality
* The Turbulent Market for Crude Oil
* Increased Inter-fuel Competition
* Stagnation and Changing Composition of Demand Intensification of Competition

• The Companies: Characteristics and Strategies
* The Sample
* Strategic Groups

• Strategy Adjustment
* Convergence over Time
* Strategy Differentiation
* The Impact of Ownership

• Organizational Change
* Decentralization and Vertical Disintegration
* Financial Control and Active Asset Management
* Changing Leadership Styles

• Performance

• Conclusions

• The International Integrated Majors
* Royal Dutch/Shell Group
* Exxon
* British Petroleum
* Mobil
* Texaco
* Chevron
* Total

• The Diversified Majors
* Ente Nazionale ldrocarburi (ENI)
* Elf Aquitaine

• The Domestically-based Integrated Oil Companies
* Amoco
* Atlantic Richfield Company
* Petrobras
* Phillips Petroleum
* Unocal Corporation
* Indian Oil

• The Domestically-based Production Companies
* Petroleos de Venezuela
* Statoil
* Kuwait Petroleum Corporation

• The International, Downstream-orientated Oil Companies
* Petrofina
* Neste Oy

• The Domestically-based, Downstream-orientated, Energy Companies
* Coastal Corporation
* Sun Company
* Repsol
* Nippon Oil Company Limited
* Yukong Limited

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