Rural Balkans and EU integration.

A cura di: Andrea Bonfiglio, Roberto Esposti, Franco Sotte

Rural Balkans and EU integration.

An Input-Output approach

Pagine: 388

ISBN: 9788846480521

Edizione: 1a edizione 2006

Codice editore: 365.486

Disponibilità: Discreta

The book focuses on the development perspectives of rural regions in 5 Balkan countries: Bulgaria, Croatia, Greece, Romania and Slovenia. Its main objective is to assess the implications for inter-sectoral rural employment patterns of policy changes at domestic and EU levels. The study identifies five rural regions (one for each country) as case studies. Input-Output (I-O) analysis is carried out on the selected regions to study in detail the structure of rural employment and to assess policy impact. Policy impact analysis is achieved through the definition of policy scenarios taking into account EU accession status, EU policies and other specific regional policies. The impact of the different scenarios on regional non-agricultural and agricultural output, employment and income is evaluated including those within the regional I-O models.

Andrea Bonfiglio is researcher in the Department of Economics, Università Politecnica delle Marche - Ancona (Italy).
Roberto Esposti is senior researcher in the Department of Economics, Università Politecnica delle Marche - Ancona (Italy).
Franco Sotte is full professor in the Department of Economics, Università Politecnica delle Marche - Ancona (Italy).

Franco Sotte, Introduction
Roberto Esposti, Development of rural regions in the EU and in the Balkans
(Introduction; State of the art and the REAPBALK approach; The Balkan specificity)
Roberto Esposti, Selection of the regional case studies
(The REAPBALK approach: key choices, methodological issues and original contribution; Criteria for the process of regional selection; Regional selection process by country; Final remarks)
Konstatinos Mattas, Stratos Loizou, Vangelis Tzouvelekas and Tsakiri Meropi, A common Input-Output model
(Introduction; Input-Output Foundations and Theoretical Base; REAPBALK Common I-O model; Final Remark)
Konstatinos Mattas, Stratos Loizou, Vangelis Tzouvelekas, Tsakiri Meropi, Andrea Bonfiglio, Regional Input-Output Models and Theoretical Base; Sectoral Likage Coefficients and Theoretical Base)
Andrea Bonfiglio, Scenario definition and methodology for impact analysis
(Introduction; Policy scenarios; Methodology for evaluating policy scenarios; Direct payments and market support; Integration effects; Allocation of Funds)
Plamen Mishev, Nedka Ivanova and Antoaneta Golemanova, The impact of UE pre-accession and accession measures on the economy of the Bulgarian rural regions
(Introduction; Importance of Rural Areas in Bulgaria; Policy framework for the development of the rural regions in Bulgaria; North-East Region; Relevant national and regional scenarios; Data used; Results of the impact analysis at national and regional level; Concluding remarks)
Željko Mrnjavac, Branko Grcic and Blanka Petkovic, Potential impacts of EU-Funds on a rural region of Croatia
(Some general information about Croatia; The selected regional for the impact analysis; The analyzed policy instruments and the definition of the relevant scenarios; The results of the impact analysis at national and regional levels; Distribution effects on economic variables by defined scenarios; Conclusions)
Maria Vincze, Lehel Györfy, Stefana Varvari, The impact of European funds on the Romanian national and regional economy
(Introduction; Main objectives of the national and regional development policies; EU financial support for Romania and for the Nerth-West region; Relevant regional and national scenarios; data source and methodology; Results of the analysis at the regional and national level; Policy implications: some concluding remarks)
Luka Juvancic, Aleš Kuhar, Emil Erjavec, Urban Sila, Introduction; Contextual and empirical background; Policy analysis: the allocation of funds; Estimated policy impact - scenario analysis; Concluding remarks)
Konstatinos Mattas, Stratos Loizou, Vangelis Tzouvelekas, Tsakiri Meropi, Old EU member states in the Balkans: the case of the region of Thessalia
(Introduction, The Region of Thessalia; Policies for national and regional economic and social development; Impact Analysis Results; Conclusions)
Andrea Bonfiglio, A dynamic impact analysis of pre-accession and accession EU policies: the cases of Romania and Bulgaria
(Introduction; Identifying policy scenarios; Methodology to assess policy impact; Projecting regional I-O tables; Allocation of funds; Policy impact analysis; Concluding remarks)
Alistair Bailey, Sophia Davidova, Alberto Zanni, The medium-term perspectives: a final comparison
(Introduction; Main characteristics of the case study regions; Methodology, data sources and policy induced transfers; Formulation of policy scenarios; Summary of impact analysis results; The agricultural sector; Time varying coefficients analysis; Conclusions).

Contributi: Franco Sotte

Collana: Economia - Ricerche

Argomenti: Economia europea e internazionale - Economia agro-alimentare

Livello: Studi, ricerche

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