The electricity industry in transition

A cura di: Luigi De Paoli

The electricity industry in transition

Organization, Regulation and Ownership in EU Member states

Pagine: 592

ISBN: 9788846435200

Edizione: 1a edizione 2001

Codice editore: 420.37

Disponibilità: Buona

This book is the result of a long, joint effort begun in 1995. It has three objectives: a) to illustrate the situation of the electricity industry in the EU member states by describing the basic data, organization and fundamental regulations; b) to analyse the mechanisms behind the complex interplay between the electricity industry and political power; c) to highlight the current relationship between the regulation, structure and ownership of the electricity supply industry and national performance.

In order to make the comparative analysis easier to understand, the chapters are divided by country and have the same format. In order to provide an in-depth analysis, it was necessary to have independent experts from each country. In the end, we managed to cover twelve out of fifteen EU members states (the missing countries are Ireland, Luxembourg and Holland). Eight of the chapters were prepared by members of research institutes belonging to the ENER network which has a long history working together. The remaining four chapters (on Finland, Greece, Spain and Sweden) were prepared by scholars or qualified experts from outside the ENER network.

While the first draft of the twelve chapters was being prepared, in December 1996 the Council and European Parliament passed the Directive 96/92/EC on the domestic electricity market. Due to the changes in the scenario, the original chapters had to be revised and completed by the end of 1999. It took two more years to complete the book for publication. In the meantime the situation in some countries changed considerably. Nevertheless, we decided not to update again the national chapters both because more changes are likely to occur in the future and because the most ambitious aim of the book is to relate performance to the regulation, structure and ownership of the electricity industry in each country. This can be achieved by presenting a historical analysis which remains valid even though not completely up to date.

Luigi De Paoli is Head of IEFE, the Institute for Economics and Policy of Energy and Environment of Bocconi University, Milan, Italy. The ENER is the European Network for Energy Economics Research, funded by the DG TREN of the Commission for the European Union, which groups together 16 European research teams.


Luigi De Paoli , (Istituto di Economia e politica dell'energia e dell'ambiente (IEFE), Bocconi University, Milan, Italy), The paths of development of the electricity supply industry in the EU

Wolfgang Orasch, Reinhard Haas, Hans Auer , (Institut für Energiewirtschaft (IEW), Vienna University of Technology, Vienna, Austria), Organisation and regulation of the electricity supply industry in Austria

Aviel Verbruggen, Alain Borghys, Laurens De Jonghe, Erwin Vanderstappen, Heidi Verheyen, Silvia Verheyen , (Studiecentrum Technologie, Energie en Milieu (STEM), Antwerp, Belgium), Organisatton and regulation of the electricity supply industry in Belgium

Poul Erik Grohneit , (RIS•, Roskilde), Ole Jess Olsen , (Roskilde University, Roskilde, Denmark), Organisation and regulation of the electricity supply industry in Denmark

Hannu Heerola, Sakari Oksanen , (Ekono Energy, Helsinky, Finland), Organisation and regulation of the electricity supply industry in Finland

Dominique Finon , (Institut d'Economie et de Politique de l'Energie (IEPE), Université Pierre Mendès, France, Grenoble, France), Organisation and regulation of the electricity supply industry in France

Rainer Walz , (Fraunhofer, Institute for Systems and Innovation Research, Karlsruhe, Germany), Organisation and regulation of the electricitv supply industry in Germany

J. E. Samouilidis, J. Psarras, D. Th. Askounis , (National Technical University of Athens (NTUA), Athens, Greece), Organisation and regulation of the electricity supply industry in Greece

Luigi De Paoli, Arturo Lorenzoni , (Istituto di Economia e politica dell'energia e dell'ambiente (IEFE), Bocconi University, Milan, Italy), Organisation and regulation of the electricity supply industry in Italy

Nuno Ribeiro da Silva , (Centro de Estudos em Economia da Energia dos Transportes e do Ambiente (CEEETA), Lisbon, Portugal), Organisation and regulation of the electricity supply industry in Portugal

Juan Alario , (European Investment Bank (EJB), Luxembourg), Organisation and regulation of the electricitv supply industry in Spain

Lennart Hjalmarsson , (Department of Economics, Göteborg University, Göteborg, Sweden), Organisation and regulation of the electricity supply industry in Sweden

Gordon MacKerron , (Science Policy Research Unit (SPRU), Sussex University, Brighton, United Kingdom), Organisation and regulation of the electricity supply industry in the United Kingdom.

Collana: Economia e politica energia e ambiente

Argomenti: Economia industriale

Livello: Studi, ricerche

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