The popular financial reporting: new accounting tool for Italian municipalities

Valerio Brescia

The popular financial reporting: new accounting tool for Italian municipalities

The study analyzes the characteristics, the leading scientific discoveries concerning the application of Popular Financial Reporting in the European context, also making a brief analysis of the comparison with the American and Canadian context. The change in public sector and the approach towards greater citizen involvement over the years is dealt with, also linked to the need to satisfy real needs in times of scarce resources.

Pages: 160

ISBN: 9788891785879

Edizione:1a edizione 2019

Publisher code: 365.1209

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Can annotate: Sì

Format: PDF con DRM for Digital Editions

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The study analyzes the characteristics, the leading scientific discoveries concerning the application of Popular Financial Reporting in the European context, also making a brief analysis of the comparison with the American and Canadian context. The change in public sector and the approach towards greater citizen involvement over the years is dealt with, also linked to the need to satisfy real needs in times of scarce resources. The case study of the Public Group of the City of Turin highlights interesting elements regarding the approach to the realization of a document that best represents the hybrid organization. Planning and control through the new methodology start from a vision based on consolidated financial statements and group control tools. Accounting principles, guidelines and characteristics of Popular Financial Reporting are analyzed. The case study also highlights useful elements of reflection for the future implementation of increasingly accessible tools that take into account the real need expressed and at the same time the use of social indicators such as useful tools for analysis and benchmarking between popular perception and efficiency and effectiveness of the result. Quantitative and qualitative analyzes justify the results and the deductions reached towards a change in the approach to accounting theory.

Valerio Brescia
is a Research Fellow in the Department of Management, University of Turin. He is Ph.D. in Business and Management at the University of Turin, Italy with the research topic in the Consolidated Financial Statements of the Municipality, Accounting Standards, and Popular Report. He holds a master's degree in Public Administration at the School of Management and Economics in Turin with full marks, and he also has a Master in Management of Local Health Facilities and Hospitals achieved at the University of Turin.

The public sector and the needs
(Introduction; From the need to the rational organization of the public offices; The rational administration process; Integration of the rational administration model; The approach of rational administration in the Italian context; Management accounting change; Changes in the public administration; Governance and consolidated financial statement; Transparency and accounting harmonization, popular financial reporting; Stakeholders and popular financial reporting; The accountability and decision making behind popular financial reporting; Different declination of the popular financial reporting; The movement of social indicators and the popular financial reporting)
Empirical survey and case study
(Methodology; First phase, analysis and features; Second phase; Third phase)
Applied method of a case study
(First phase; Second phase; Third phase)
Results and implications of the research
(Results of the first phase; Results of the second research phase; Results of the third research phase; Research limits; Conclusion)

Serie: Economia - Ricerche

Subjects: Economics and Management of State Companies

Level: Scholarly Research

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