Author/s Giovanni Battista Tranquilli
Publishing Year 2004 Issue 2001/3
Language Italian Pages 31 P. File size 236 KB
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The longitudinal sampling in two occasions is considered with partial rotation of the units. To improve the estimation of the population mean in the second occasion by rotation strategies composite estimators are formulated which utilise the observations of the first occasion as auxiliary variable. In this contest the difference estimator is proposed as auxiliary component of the rotation estimator. The consequent sampling analysis is developed firstly for the simple design w.r., followed by the cluster design, the stratified design and the two-stage design (with only rotation of the second level units). The exact estimator variance is always expressible and this allows exact efficiency comparisons and solutions of optimality conditions.
Giovanni Battista Tranquilli, Strategie di rotazione campionaria in "RIVISTA DI STATISTICA UFFICIALE" 3/2001, pp , DOI: