Author/s Sabrina Perra, Katia Pilati
Publishing Year 2008 Issue 2008/110
Language Italian Pages 14 P. 213-226 File size 70 KB
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Women’s migration paths and socio-economic integration of immigrated women to Milano The aim of this article is to put forward a hypothesis on feminine migration paths. By relying on the literature on citizenship regimes and on welfare states we aim to outline a hypothesis on the role of women migrants in the countries of migration. We assume that patterns of migration in which women follow their male working partners and trends in feminine migration in which women play a more autonomous role in taking the decision to migrate, tend both to segregate women in peripheral socio-economic positions thus reproducing gender asymmetries. Women tend in fact to occupy either peripheral positions in the labour structure of the countries of arrival or the private sphere as housewives. By using 1991, 2001 census data and 2005 Ismu data, we present empirical data on patterns of social and economical integration of three major migrant groups in Milan: Filipinos, Egyptians and Ecuadorians. These data provide us with evidence on the peripheral role of migrants women deriving from an ethnic conception of citizenship and a corporatist welfare state system due to which ethnic and gender based inequalities overlap.
Sabrina Perra, Katia Pilati, Percorsi migratori femminili ed integrazione socio-economica delle donne immigrate a Milano in "SOCIOLOGIA DEL LAVORO " 110/2008, pp 213-226, DOI: