La "rivoluzione in diretta". Il Maggio francese tra cronaca e mito

Author/s Antonio Benci
Publishing Year 2009 Issue 2008/29
Language Italian Pages 20 P. 169-188 File size 177 KB
DOI 10.3280/MER2008-029010
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Revolution live. French may between chronicle and myth - The French May appears in the Italian daily press as a representation of events removed from the mythological array that on the May was brought about during the month of May 1968. All that hindered, and still does, a correct historical definition of the problems and course of events. However, it should be noticed that the great breadth, the attempt to a concrete widening of the social participation, the deep feeling of shared enthusiasm on the part of rising classes such as the students or outcast such as the workers, triggered off a mental projection which, although still bearing traces of mythicizing, newly defined for the ’68 veterans the French May as a place of the memory of the 1968 movement.

  • Il linguaggio politico di piazza della destra radicale e dei movimenti neofascisti negli Anni di piombo Nicola Guerra, in Mediterranean Language Review /2020 pp.61
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Antonio Benci, La "rivoluzione in diretta". Il Maggio francese tra cronaca e mito in "MEMORIA E RICERCA " 29/2008, pp 169-188, DOI: 10.3280/MER2008-029010