Emendazioni alla grammatica ebraica spinoziana

Author/s Omero Proietti
Publishing Year 2010 Issue 2010/1
Language Italian Pages 47 P. 25-71 File size 902 KB
DOI 10.3280/SF2010-001002
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The Compendium grammatices linguae hebraeae, one of Spinoza’s four unfinished works, was published in the Opera Posthuma of 1677. Three centuries later, there is still no critical edition and contributions towards the emendation of this work are very few and far between. This article offers a brief account of the nature, aims and chronology of Spinoza’s grammar. It also provides ample indications for a critical edition and advocates in great detail the need for numerous emendations to the text of the Opera Posthuma.

Keywords: Spinoza, Hebrew grammar, emendations

  • The Cambridge Spinoza Lexicon Steven Nadler, pp.93 (ISBN:9781108992459)
  • Patrizia Pozzi Enrico I. Rambaldi, in RIVISTA DI STORIA DELLA FILOSOFIA 4/2021 pp.813
    DOI: 10.3280/SF2021-004010

Omero Proietti, Emendazioni alla grammatica ebraica spinoziana in "RIVISTA DI STORIA DELLA FILOSOFIA" 1/2010, pp 25-71, DOI: 10.3280/SF2010-001002