Journal title MONDI MIGRANTI
Author/s Flavia Piperno
Publishing Year 2011 Issue 2010/3
Language Italian Pages 15 P. File size 415 KB
DOI 10.3280/MM2010-003004
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My article analyses some aspects of the social impact of migration on the countries of origin. With this aim I use the concept of the ‘care dia-mond’ analysed by different scholars such as Evers (1996), Jenson (2003) and Kofman and Raghuram (2009). The care regime can be captured by the metaphor of the diamond where each angle represents a care provider. The four angles of the diamond are: families and households, communities comprising non-profit and voluntary/third sector, State (national, regional, local) and the market. My article analyses how emigration, above all the female one, is impacting on each of these four levels, entailing new problems and opportunities which should be taken into account by social and international development policies. The article presents some of the main results of different research programs carried out by CeSPI since 2005. The field work has been carried out in Romania, Ukraine, Ecuador and Peru: some of the main origin countries of care workers in Italy. In the article I analyse the possibility of "win win" strategies which could benefit both origin and arrival countries. In this framework, I quote some good practices that have aimed at promoting transnational social development making the utmost of migrants employed in the care, social and health sector.
Keywords: Care diamond - Female emigration - Transnational welfare - Care drain - Social impact of migrations
Flavia Piperno, Dalla catena della cura al welfare globale. L’impatto delle migrazioni sui regimi di cura nei contesti di origine e le nuove sfide per una politica di co-sviluppo sociale in "MONDI MIGRANTI" 3/2010, pp , DOI: 10.3280/MM2010-003004