Author/s Paola Parolari
Publishing Year 2012 Issue 2012/1
Language Italian Pages 12 P. 161-172 File size 109 KB
DOI 10.3280/SD2012-001011
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In his recent collection of essays Cultura. Dalla complessità all’impoverimento (Culture: from complexity to impoverishment), Francesco Remotti undertakes a critical analysis and launches a proposal for redefining the concept of culture. Particularly alert to the problems of cohabitation between people and groups who identify with different cultures, Remotti warns against the ‘essentialist’ and racist notions that are potential consequences of equating the concept of culture with that of identity. Pursuing the same line of reasoning with regard to his critique of the concept of identity as that adopted in previous works, he suggests taking the opposite approach, that of salvaging culture (which is open and dynamic) from the grip of identity (closed and static): in his opinion, the concept of identity should be jettisoned completely, while that of culture should be kept stored in anthropologists’ toolbox as a use- ful means of analysis. The suggestion conveyed by the analyses aimed at highlighting the hybrid, complex and dynamic nature of various different cultural identities indicates, however, that jettisoning the concept of identity completely may not be quite so simple, nor even necessary.
Keywords: Culture - Identity - Multiculturalism - "Culture clash"
Paola Parolari, Francesco Remotti tra critica dell’identità e difesa della cultura in "SOCIOLOGIA DEL DIRITTO " 1/2012, pp 161-172, DOI: 10.3280/SD2012-001011