The "common grave" of the Lombroso Museum and the "lager" of Fenestrelle: the 150th anniversary of the neo-Bourbons.

Author/s Silvano Montaldo
Publishing Year 2012 Issue 2012/87
Language Italian Pages 14 P. 105-118 File size 123 KB
DOI 10.3280/PASS2012-087006
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The article reconstructs the transition from a perspective of cultural controversy to that of a political proposal that the varicoloured world of anti-Risorgimento revisionism encountered on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of Italian unification. Through the demonstrations against the reopening of the Lombroso Museum, unjustly seen as an uncritical return to the theories of the Veronese scientist, and the revival of the legend of Fenestrelle prison as a death camp for Neapolitan inmates, a functional controversy was launched in order to collocate the memory of the unification process within a context of a colonial warfare. This position was upheld by neo-Bourbon revisionist texts, while the celebration of bandits as a new symbol of identity materialised with a demand for the "return" of the exhibits from Lombroso’s collections, an issue which has yet to be resolved.

Keywords: 150th anniversary of Italian unification, revisionism, Lombroso museum, Fenestrelle prison

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    DOI: 10.4000/rhsh.4606
  • Beni culturali umani Gianfranco Orlando, (ISBN:979-12-215-0553-5)

Silvano Montaldo, La "fossa comune" del Museo Lombroso e il "lager" di Fenestrelle: il centocinquantenario dei neoborbonici in "PASSATO E PRESENTE" 87/2012, pp 105-118, DOI: 10.3280/PASS2012-087006