Journal title PSICOANALISI
Author/s Antonio Pèrez-Sanchez
Publishing Year 2013 Issue 2013/1
Language Italian Pages 23 P. 31-53 File size 448 KB
DOI 10.3280/PSI2013-001003
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When considering termination which criteria we follow? And what does reaching termination imply? In answer to the first question, a general consideration is that a psychoanalytic process has been developed and has reached a satisfactory point both for the patient and the analyst. From the author point of view, this would imply several transformations: internal objects, the links between them, the links between them and the self, for which an evolution in the transference experience is necessary. Two factors are crucial for termination: the capacity for self-analysis and the commencement of working through the mourning for the loss of this experience. The paper covers the process from the first sessions, offers a summary of the evolution of the treatment and of the penultime session, in order to compare changes produced in the patient that justify termination.
Keywords: Termination analysis, transformation, working-through, self-analysis, analytic process
Antonio Pèrez-Sanchez, La fine dell’analisi: un approccio clinico in "PSICOANALISI" 1/2013, pp 31-53, DOI: 10.3280/PSI2013-001003