The Autogenic Training in Gestalt Therapy. Relaxation, awareness, vitality

Author/s Teresa Borino
Publishing Year 2013 Issue 2013/1
Language Italian Pages 15 P. 109-123 File size 1138 KB
DOI 10.3280/GEST2013-001009
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The hereby article proposes a characterization about the learning and the Autogenic Training use within the frame of the theorical-methodologic of the Gestalt Therapy. It shows in which way this adoption can give benefits not only in acquiring major awareness of the body and consequently psychophysical relax, but also it works as a support for a path of availability to open oneself to the change in the organism/environment contact, in order to the therapeutic change. The A.T. use is helpful to the therapist as well, to keep his own ability in feeling his own body while training.

Keywords: Autogenic Training, Gestalt Therapy, autogeny, spontaneity, self-regulation, body.

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Teresa Borino, Il Training Autogeno in psicoterapia della Gestalt. Rilassamento, consapevolezza, vitalità in "QUADERNI DI GESTALT" 1/2013, pp 109-123, DOI: 10.3280/GEST2013-001009