Journal title GROUNDING
Author/s Aleksander (Olek) Mincer
Publishing Year 2014 Issue 2014/1
Language Italian Pages 20 P. 101-120 File size 1516 KB
DOI 10.3280/GRO2014-001009
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In the article the author, from a true story, presents various topics related to counseling in the intercultural field, emphasizing the ethical aspect in empathic relationship. First remember the basic needs common to all human beings. It also presents some patterns of behavior that help in the understanding of the other, emphasizing the differences between cultures. He describes a personal experience who starred with a group of foreigners awaiting political asylum in Italy. In the end, the author presents the usefulness of focusing within the counseling interview in intercultural mediation body part.
Keywords: Counselling, Intercultural, stream, behavior, focusing.
Aleksander (Olek) Mincer, Il counselling nell’intercultura in "GROUNDING" 1/2014, pp 101-120, DOI: 10.3280/GRO2014-001009