Assicurazioni sanitarie private: conseguenze per i cittadini e implicazioni per il SSN derivanti dalla loro eventuale introduzione. Un’opportunità o un vaso di Pandora?

Journal title MECOSAN
Author/s Maria Grazia Pirozzi, Sara Saggese
Publishing Year 2016 Issue 2015/95
Language Italian Pages 28 P. 109-136 File size 20384 KB
DOI 10.3280/MESA2015-095006
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The global economic downturn and the long-lasting economic stagnation due to the euro-zone crisis, placed at the center of attention the sustainability of the national health service (SSN). To reduce the financial burden on the public budget, policymakers and stakeholders proposed the introduction of private health insurances (ASPs) in the Italian health system as substitutive or complementary to the national health service. Starting from these assumptions, this work examines the ASPs as additional tools to support the national health system funding, and identifies their potential consequences to propose a model that describes the expected interactions SSN-ASP and the most prominent effects related to this scenario. The model is proposed as a framework for further studies and investigations.

Keywords: Health system, private health insurance, transaction costs, sustainability, fiscal equity, evidence based policy making.

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Maria Grazia Pirozzi, Sara Saggese, Assicurazioni sanitarie private: conseguenze per i cittadini e implicazioni per il SSN derivanti dalla loro eventuale introduzione. Un’opportunità o un vaso di Pandora? in "MECOSAN" 95/2015, pp 109-136, DOI: 10.3280/MESA2015-095006