Moving Up and Down the Scale. The Food System Governance in Portland - Oregon

Author/s Nunzia Borrelli, Terry Marsden
Publishing Year 2018 Issue 2018/115suppl.
Language English Pages 16 P. 11-26 File size 1045 KB
DOI 10.3280/SUR2018-115-S1002
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This article is part of the debate on the governance of food systems and sets out to highlight some of the key issues in this context through the presentation of a case study. The aspects of the food governance the article focuses on concern the importance of defining a governance system that is neither national, nor urban, but that it is rather supraurban, metropolitan, regional, or even better that works on the communication between all these levels. The proposed case study concerns the city of Portland, characterized by strong communication between different levels of food system governance.

Keywords: Food system, urban food policies, food governance, scale, Portland, food practices

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Nunzia Borrelli, Terry Marsden, Moving Up and Down the Scale. The Food System Governance in Portland - Oregon in "SOCIOLOGIA URBANA E RURALE" 115suppl./2018, pp 11-26, DOI: 10.3280/SUR2018-115-S1002