Intentionality and Spontaneity in Gestalt Therapy Practice

Author/s Mercurio Albino Macaluso
Publishing Year 2018 Issue 2018/1
Language Italian Pages 25 P. 33-57 File size 238 KB
DOI 10.3280/GEST2018-001004
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Are classical techniques of Gestalt therapy compatible with its current relational orientation? This question is the basis for the present work, which aims to describe the different ways of acting in Gestalt therapy. The author distinguishes two clinical actions, one intentional and the other spontaneous. Within the category of intentional therapeutic interventions he further distinguishes focus on the individual and focus on the relationship. Intentional therapeutic intervention and spontaneous therapeutic intervention are complementary and cannot be considered separately. The uniqueness of GT can be seen in this global perspective on its interventions.

Keywords: Subjectivity, relationship, field, deliberateness, spontaneity, meeting.

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Mercurio Albino Macaluso, Intenzionalità e spontaneità nell’azione terapeutica gestaltica in "QUADERNI DI GESTALT" 1/2018, pp 33-57, DOI: 10.3280/GEST2018-001004