The social perception of lawyers in contemporary American cinema

Author/s Michelangelo Pascali
Publishing Year 2018 Issue 2018/3
Language Italian Pages 27 P. 131-157 File size 335 KB
DOI 10.3280/SD2018-003007
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What can the representations emerging from American movies tell us about the social image of lawyers and their role? What is the current idea of justice and its mechanisms within this country’s popular culture? The outcomes of the research described in this article show a gradual worsening of the representation of the legal profession: while, on the one hand, this mirrors a deterioration of ethical and professional norms, on the other one, it is the indicator of profound contradictions and of a social involution in terms of civil and political rights.

Keywords: Lawyer - Cinema - United States - Guilt - Litigation Society -Technicality

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Michelangelo Pascali, La considerazione sociale dell’avvocato nella recente cinematografia statunitense in "SOCIOLOGIA DEL DIRITTO " 3/2018, pp 131-157, DOI: 10.3280/SD2018-003007