Knots to untangle in the space of flows. Life in the territories of the Futur-e power stations

Journal title TERRITORIO
Author/s Gloria Pessina
Publishing Year 2019 Issue 2018/86
Language Italian Pages 9 P. 101-109 File size 3182 KB
DOI 10.3280/TR2018-086014
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This article proposes the observation of some territories which have not yet been fully investigated by urban studies, in particular those of the thermoelectric power stations involved in enel Futur-e project aimed at promoting the reuse of dismissed sites. Further elaborating the reports already provided by the research group of Politecnico di Milano in the frame of this project, the article reflects on the nature of the territories of power stations. This reflection is based on the observations and the notes taken during the field visits, and is supported by both theoretical references and empirical material, such as interviews. In conclusion, the article poses some questions on the topic of memory and on the way of transforming the knowledge built on the field into a heritage for the Futur-e project, and beyond.

Keywords: Thermoelectric power stations; territory; fieldwork

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Gloria Pessina, Nodi da sciogliere nello spazio dei flussi. Vita nei territori delle centrali elettriche del progetto Futur-e in "TERRITORIO" 86/2018, pp 101-109, DOI: 10.3280/TR2018-086014