Critica del dominio di genere e di classe. Verso una lettura intersezionalista di J. Dewey e J. Addams

Author/s Federica Gregoratto
Publishing Year 2019 Issue 2018/63
Language Italian Pages 15 P. 20-34 File size 99 KB
DOI 10.3280/LAS2018-063002
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In this contribution, I sketch out an intersectionalist reading of John Dewey e Jane Addams. An intersectionalist theory is a critical methodology aimed at elaborating a conceptual apparatus that investigates the entanglements between various mechanisms of social oppression. Contrary to a widespread opinion, according to which pragmatist thinkers would not sufficiently tackle questions of power, violence and domination, I want to show how Dewey’s and Addams’ works convey intuitions and insights that could be framed within the intersectionalist method. In particular, I focus on the juncture between economic capitalist domination and gender domination. Furthermore, I expound upon an implication of the liberation from both domination vectors, which corresponds, according to both authors, to the overcoming of a sharp separation between the private social sphere of friendship, love and care and broader economic and political spheres.

Keywords: Domination, gender, class, intersectionalism, conflict, friendship, care.

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Federica Gregoratto, Critica del dominio di genere e di classe. Verso una lettura intersezionalista di J. Dewey e J. Addams in "SOCIETÀ DEGLI INDIVIDUI (LA)" 63/2018, pp 20-34, DOI: 10.3280/LAS2018-063002