Author/s Laura Bonalume, Paolo Cozzaglio, Stefania Greppo
Publishing Year 2019 Issue 2019/1
Language Italian Pages 26 P. 11-36 File size 249 KB
DOI 10.3280/RPR2019-001003
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Consistent with the "prototypical" perspective of personality diagnosis, PDM-2 is a "taxonomy of persons" rather than a "taxonomy of disorders" since it pays attention to "who that person is" and not only to "what symptoms that person has". In evaluating the usefulness of this diagnostic manual for case formulation the Authors present three clinical vignettes that correspond to the description of levels of severity of personality disorders - neurotic, borderline, and psychotic. Through these they show that for a proper use of PDM-2 a therapist needs good knowledge of the patient, ongoing dialogue with the patient, and to avoid fast diagnostic reductionism. The value of PDM-2 consists in allowing the expression of the patient’s and clinician’s subjectivity without neglecting research and the general shared language typical of diagnostic tools.
Keywords: Diagnosis, PDM-2, neurotic level, bor-derline level, psychotic level
Laura Bonalume, Paolo Cozzaglio, Stefania Greppo, Focus: la diagnosi fra ricerca e sviluppo teorico in psicoanalisi. Ricerca Psicoanalitica, (ISSN 1827-4625, ISSNe 2037-7851) anno XXX, n. 1, 2019 Il PDM-2 e la sua applicazione clinica. Livelli di organizzazione di personalità, stili di funzionamento e loro implicazioni terapeutiche in "RICERCA PSICOANALITICA" 1/2019, pp 11-36, DOI: 10.3280/RPR2019-001003